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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Pretty Wednesday, My Lovelies!  Although I'm terribly distressed that I missed going to my art class today due to my dental appointment, at least I'm feeling a little better.

Some of you asked me what I replaced the horrible white geraniums with, and the answer is:  Zinnias

Zinnias are quickly becoming my favorite flower.

Mr. Art @ Home bought me a few at the Pepper Place Market over the weekend, and I must say they are growing on me....well, not literally, but I am liking them a little more everyday!

from Pepper Place Market

Here are the zinnias we planted in pots on our patio:

I want to plant zinnias in our flower beds next year.  I like these two varieties from the Hudson Valley Seed Library.

I love the pretty Polar Bear Zinnias

Pumila Mix Zinnias

What's your favorite summertime flower?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I have had the best luck with zinnias planted from seeds. They bloom prolifically and I cut them for jars all the time.

  2. Zinnias are very hardy and you should see a lot of butterflies too! Good choice.

  3. Zinnias are one of my favorite summer flowers, and I plant ours from seed, thus getting a wide variety. One favorite is Purple Prince zinnia, others are heirloom Whirligig mix in subtle colors and Button Box mix, all from Lake Valley Seed. Your photos show beautiful zinnias.

  4. Thanks for your visit to my blog and leaving a sweet comment for Carla on Spotlight. Now I have found your blog and became a new follower. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I love zinnias. Back in the day I belonged to a Community Farm and each week we were allowed to pick a certain number of stems. I loved the zinnias and globe amaranth. Whenever I see these flowers it brings back old memories of summer and young motherhood.

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Hoping that you feel much better yet.

  6. I think my favorite too...yours are lovely!

  7. *Prettttyyy* They look like daisies, but more colorful!!

  8. Your zinnias are quite lovely, they look happy! Can flowers be happy? I don't see why not, anyway they made me smile!

  9. Your zinnias are so pretty! They're probably my favorite summer flower. They're so happy!

  10. I need to replace our rhodedendrums (the former owners did not plan for space, at all!) and our dying Asian lily. Zinnias look like just the thing to plant! I love how colorful and bright they are.

  11. You definitely have a green thumb. I've never had good luck growing zinnias, but after seeing yours I want to try again. These are beautiful, and I love the idea of having them for cut flowers in the house.

  12. They are beautiful. I hope your tooth feels much better soon! Hugs!

  13. Hi,
    I hope you are feeling better soon.
    I love Zinnias too. I have some blooming in our garden. I also like Sunflowers.

  14. Love zinnia's, and they play so nicely in our summer heat.

  15. Zinnias are so cheery! Every summer I tell myself I'm going to plant some but forget to. I'm lovin' Limelight hydrangea lately. We just planted 3 more shrubs, now to keep them watered .:)

  16. Very pretty and what a nice variety of colors too!


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