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Vive La France!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

In honor of yesterday's Bastille Day celebrations, I've been enjoying lovely Pinterest Pins of all things French.

I even started a new board, Paris Apartment Style.

Here are my favorite pins from this board:

I love these floors!

Have you noticed my blog redesign?  I've included a Pinterest widget so you can see all my latest pins. I enjoy seeing what my friends are pinning….I'm a looky-loo!  I also have an Instagram widget and Goodreads, but I'm not on Instagram as often as Pinterest.  Pinterest is my favorite social media app!

Speaking of pretty, I've been visiting all the Mad Tea Party posts and having a ball.  If I haven't visited you since Saturday, it's probably because you didn't host a Mad Tea Party.  There are lots of them to visit!

I read an amazing book this week, so please stop by on Friday for my Literary Friday post.  

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Mostly I noticed your blonde hair and I have to say it's gorgeous!

  2. Ooo la la how fancy. Hope you are having a wonderful summer. I am trying to make myself think about school for Quinn coming up but am having a hard time.

  3. Wonderful images! I will enjoy following along on your board.
    Vive La France!

  4. Beautiful Paris inspiration! Makes me wish I was back there right now! Love that you have a pinterest widget! Must try to find that.

  5. I did notice your new look, very clean and I love the Pinterest and Instagram widgets. Very inspirational post today. It makes me want to finish our house. ;)

  6. I enjoyed seeing these rooms - so beautiful! Yes, a new design - looks great! So glad you are blogging again. :)

  7. FUN! And yes, I like your new look. :-))

  8. Hi Ricki Jill! Your new blog design looks clean and beautiful. I hope you are enjoying your summer. :) Pinterest is not what it was when it first started. Remember those days? I don't see much anymore from my favorite pinners. I will definitely check out your new board!

  9. Oh truly gorgeous and inspiring images!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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