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First Full Week of January, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

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Finlay is unhappy he's been wearing his ugly Christmas sweater after Christmas, but it's been a necessary evil.

Big Sister went back to college this past week *sadface* and Homeschooling started as the thermometer plummeted (low teens and single digits here in Central Alabama)….but we had no school delays due to the cold!  *YAY*

In order to set the mood for this post, check-out this adorable video I first saw on Angie's Blog.

Unlike the video, our Christmas decor is put away, and I've incorporated some winter whites all through the house, including these pretty African violets.

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Finlay recently celebrated his first birthday with yummy cookies baked just for him.

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Isn't he handsome!  ;P

Shelley ended her first week back at school with a horse show at her home barn, Clairmont. The name of the show is Frost BIET (not "bite" but BIET, and acronym for the Birmingham Interscholastic Equestrian Team). The show was perfectly named as the first day's competition was delayed due to the frozen ground.  Brrrr!!!

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Hoodies and sweatshirts from the show

Shelley's high school team qualified for Regionals in February, and Shelley qualified individually in the flat equitation class. Congratulations to you and your team, Shelley!

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Shelley competing on "Woody."

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No, you aren't seeing double.  Shelley and two of her teammates (also  juniors) Amelia and Bethany.

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Shelley after her class with middle school teammate Kendall and Coach Ashton.

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Shelley with high school teammate Holly.

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Shelley placed second in her practice class, and first in her points class.  The win qualifies her for Regionals!  

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Finlay wanted to go to the show, too.

We have two field trips planned for this week, and hopeful nothing other than church this weekend.  We need a rest!

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. I am glad you had a great time with Shanley. Shelley is so beautiful and way to go with her new ribbons. Your Finlay is such a cutie! I am thrilled it is warming up this week, we might be in the 20s. It was super cold here last week, one day I think we made high of -10 before wind chills.

  2. Looks like a great week! I really like Finlay's wardrobe!

  3. So good to see you post! I know you must be so proud of Shelley! I've never been to a horse show (does the track count? lol!).

    Ah, January. Life resumes normally again!

    Jane x

  4. Love seeing your equestrian pictures. That was my life when I was your daughters' ages.

    Happy Birthday to Finlay! He is so, so cute! (Today is my Sherman's second birthday!)

  5. Happy Birthday sweet puppy! Fozzie is jealous beyond belief (as usual). I bet your field trips are incredible!!

  6. Congratulations Shelly! Happy 1st bday to Finlay. Love his wee plaid sweater coat.
    Mine just came back from a day at the doggie spa.

  7. That video was bloody cute I liked it and hope Finlay enjoyed his birthday treats

  8. Congratulations to your daughter and Finley! xoox

  9. Happy Birthday Finlay and congrats on the ribbons - 2nd place is great Shelley!

    1. She came in second in her warm-up class, but she won the points class! :)

  10. Ricki Jill, it's good to see a post from you. Happy Birthday, Finlay. Congratulations to Shelley. Happy New Year, dear friend!

  11. What a fun post. :-) Thank you for sharing with what you have been up too. :-)
    Congratulations to Shelley!! Yay!

  12. Congratulations to Shelley and a happy belated birthday to sweet little Finlay. Sending you warm hugs.


  13. Happy Birthday to Finlay. He is a beautiful dog!! Reminds me of my Sweet Samson We recently lost Samson on December 10th so anytime I see a westie I smile but the hurt is still fresh. We still have Licorice, a little mix terrier to keep us on our toes though :)

    Have a wonderful day and a restfull weekend.

  14. He is just the cutest dog... You have so much going on! Also that video was adorable.

  15. Congratulations to her on her riding!! Wonderful. Oh and happy bday to that little cutie. And RJ...don't get me started on cold...okay??

  16. Beautiful photos :-) Didn't Finley get a new sweater for Christmas? Maybe for Valentines day lol

  17. Your daughter has perfect posture! My granddaughter rode English Saddle.,I often went to her shows, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Her horse is gorgeous! It's wonderful because it gives them something to do and a sence of pride. Never to early to learn that.
    Hugs Marg.

  18. This is so cool that your schools have equestrian teams. I'm surprised we don't have that activity here in Baldwin Co. because there are plenty of horses, horse lovers and places to ride.
    What a lovely start to this cold year!

  19. I loved these photos of your daughter and Finlay Ricki Jill! Just darling! Shelly must be so proud of here ribbons. I love that your daughter rides and competes.A couple of mine competed in Western Pleasure here in Idaho when they were very young. I think it's so great for children to have a horse as a best friend. I know I did and she was one of the biggest blessings in my life.

  20. Loved seeing the proud face on your daughter holding those ribbons - how exciting! And I love the pic of that cute puppy posing by his cookies - I can't believe he posed before chowing down! You african violet looks lovely in that gorgeous pot!!


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