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An Open Letter to Lisa

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dear Lisa,

I remember first knowing you at the University of Alabama.  You were roommates with one of my pledge sisters, Terrie Foreman.  Although you were in a different sorority, I would NEVER hold that against you  ;P   You and Terrie are proof that ladies majoring in Elementary Education aren't out for "Mrs." degrees because you both became outstanding teachers.  Lisa, I have learned so much from your knowledge and wisdom.

We both dated young men from a particular fraternity.  I married mine, and yours was a complete idiot when he broke-up with you.  But his loss became your husband Mike's gain.  Shanley Belle recognized at a young age how Mike has always doted on you.  He adores you!  Shanley has always said that she wants a husband one day just like Mr. Mike!  She has set the bar high.  She is also a wise woman like you!

It was an honor to serve under you when you were PTA President.  Our organization thrived, and under your leadership we were awarded an unprecedented number of awards and grants.  Thinking about staying up writing grants late into the night with you and Ainslie when we were so tired we were getting "punchy" makes me smile and giggle, even now.

Your service did not end with our children's elementary school.  Your advocacy has helped so many children in our school district and beyond. You have been the most amazing resource for children with special needs as well as gifted children.

You courageously fought breast cancer twice.  What a brave pink warrior you are!  You have also been an angel to three friends of mine who've fought the hideous disease, and I'm sure there have been many others.

What I admire the most about you is that you are an encourager.  I want to thank you for all the times you've encouraged me to be a better mother, advocate, and friend.

Your sons are both beautiful and kind young men.  What a legacy! Sometimes the world pushes us to focus on things that really don't matter, but you got it right. You built a legacy of love for your boys.

Last year we celebrated our birthdays together on May 3rd at The Club with Barbara Calhoun and Melinda Groover.  I always teased you about your being 20 days older than I.  It was such a pretty day.  I got sunburned, but it was worth it. What a pleasure it was eating lunch outside overlooking the city. I will always cherish that memory.

Lisa, you will be missed.  I will miss your quick wit, sarcasm, and snarky "crazy-ass" comments.  You have been a "touchstone" friend to me, and it hurts that God called you home.  But it's my hope and wish that you can advocate for children where you are, because like Barbara says, there can't be a better place than heaven for that.

As much as I will miss you, I am thankful that your struggles are over, you will never know pain again, and you are at peace.

Love always,
Ricki Jill

My dear Bloggy Friends:

Please be in prayer for Lisa's sons, Jacob and Zachary, and her husband Mike.  I'm unsure at this time about the funeral arrangements, but just in case I want to go ahead and cancel Literary Friday for this week.  It's ironic, because Lisa was our local book club leader, and she loved to read.

Thanks for being the best Blog Friends in the world, and I'll be back on Sunday or Monday.

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Ricki Jill, so sorry for your loss and what appears to be a tremendous loss to those around you as well.

  2. Oh, Ricki I'm so sorry. I didn't realize until i got to the end that your friend had passed away. I just thought you were honouring her. She sounds like a bold and wonderful friend. You were lucky to have found her. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  3. Ricki Jill,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss and the tough battle Lisa had to face. I'm sending prayers to Lisa's sons Jacob and Zachary. May God watch over them. I'm so fortunate to be a cancer survivor. Blessings

  4. I'm sorry to hear of the death of your friend. My best wishes to you and to her family.

  5. I'm so sorry, RJ. Sending prayers to her family.

  6. Oh, Ricki Jill- I am so so so sorry...for her family and for you. It is so hard to lose someone that is our own age because it makes us feel that we, too, are vulnerable. It really strikes close to home when we know the children and spouses, too. My heart aches for her family...but you are right-she is beyond all pain and suffering and safe at home-preparing it for those tha will follow her there. God bless you- xo Diana

  7. I'm so sorry. Heartbreaking. Sending prayers.

  8. Oh RJ! My heart is so heavy right now for her family and for you and yours. I will be saying prayers for you all. Lisa sounded like a wonderful friend and what a wonderful angel here on earth for children. You are right to have comfort that she is no longer in pain.

    Hugs from Iowa,

  9. Oh Ricki...What a loss, some people go quietly into the night and some are such a huge presence it is hard to believe they are gone. What a beautiful tribute!


  10. I feel so bad...I didn't know this was where the letter was leading. I'm so sorry for your loss, Lisa was an amazing woman, wife, mother, friend. I will be praying for her family and friends. Thank you for sharing some of her life with us.


  11. I am so sorry, it always seems like the best are called to heaven the first.

  12. *hugs* I'm so glad you had a chance to be friends with her, and that she got a chance to have you in her life. What a warm, inviting place Heaven will be when you finally get there, since she'll have arrived early to tidy it up a bit. :)

  13. Dear Ricki Jill I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

  14. What a lovely heartfelt tribute. Please accept my condolences upon the loss of your dear friend. I will keep her family in my thoughts.

  15. RJ,
    I'm so sorry for you loss of what sounds like a wonderful friend. And for the loss of a stellar teacher and advocate for children, the world needs more people like your friend, but I guess heaven needed her too.

  16. How heartbreaking. You've honored your friend with an amazing tribute. What a loss for the world. I will pray for her sons and husband.

  17. Oh what a sad and heartbreaking letter

  18. Oh I remember her from previous posts RJ. I feel so much for you right now. This is never easy and never something that we can fully comprehend or accept. Life is not clear, logical or just but one thing is for sure that the friends we make along the way are what push us forward.
    Thinking of you and her family. xo Donna

  19. Oh doll, I just didn't think that your letter would end that way. The beautiful description of your friend gave life to her. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and wish I could somehow mend your heart.

    Prayers to your and Lisa's families.

  20. What a truly beautiful and very touching letter, Ricki Jill. I'm sure your beautiful friend is hearing this letter and smiling that same sweet smile she has in the photo above. I'm sorry for your loss but happy that you had the opportunity to know her. Lisa sounds like someone we would all have loved knowing. My prayers are with her family and with you.

  21. RJ, I'm sad to hear of your loss. You've written a beautiful letter. Keeping you and Lisa's family in my prayers.

  22. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Your tribute was beautiful.

  23. So sorry to hear you lost your friend. I lost my best friend to breast cancer three years ago. I know exactly how this feels. My friend had a very long struggle with the illness. I too was glad she was free from pain.

  24. Dear Ricky Jill, what a beautiful tribute to your frind Lisa, I'm sure she's smiling at you from where she is. Oh my, I hoped till the end for a different ending... I hug you tight, will say a litlle prayer for her family and you.
    Ciao, un abbraccio

  25. That tribute was beautiful! I'm sad for you and Lisa's family. Life is such a vapor! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  26. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person and friend. Sending hugs and prayers to you all.

  27. a beautiful tribute, Ricki Jill, and every grace to you ...

  28. Ricki Jill, I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely friend. What a joy to have known her for so long and grown up together from college days. I am sure she treasured you.

  29. Ricki, I'm probably so late but I'm sorry for your loss.


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