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We Want to Know Wednesday: I'll Think About It Tomorrow, Miss Scarlett!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

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Scriptor and Kenzie want to know if you're a procrastinator.  Or are you lazy, maybe?


{no. 1} What motivates you?  Love for my family is a huge motivator for me. I'm also a self-motivator, too.   

{no. 2} Would you consider yourself highly productive or somewhat lazy?  Highly productive unless I get very overwhelmed, and then I sometimes shut down.  Then I'll pull an all-nighter and get stuff done!

{no. 3} What is your last "big" accomplishment? Oh, that's top secret! But I'll share as soon as I can!

{no. 4} What would you like to accomplish but haven't?  I want to develop a series of paintings based on literary heroines!  :D

{no. 5} What would make it possible for you to accomplish one of your all-time goals? More thought and better time management.

Kenzie likes to share things she's loving, so I thought I'd join-in, too.

I'm loving these rain showers we're having every afternoon.

I'm loving putting together my Summer Reading List.  Please join me Friday for Literary Friday as we share our Summer Reading Lists!

I'm loving cappuccino cups right now!

I know some of the clay artists at the studio could make me some pretty cups. If not, there's always Etsy!

Are you a procrastinator?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I can't wait to see your summer reading list. I'm determined to read more this summer.

  2. I'm the queen of procrastination. It's very rare that I am not scrambling at the last minute. :o/
    I need to work on my summer reading list. I'm almost done with Dance of Dragons and after that I want some nice easy reads.

  3. Not usually. I like to get things done early...and get it over with! lol We just packed up 2 boxes of pottery to take back to Florida. I love this pretty mug!

  4. I love all your facts about yourself. Waiting to hear what your reading list is- xo Diana

  5. I just quoted Scarlett this week too LOL! Oh no I am not a procrastinator...I am so compulsive organized, I drive me crazy! What a great goal to paint heroines...That is so cool!


  6. I am the same way when I get overwhelmed, I totally shut down and do something else.. like read! It's easy to do when chores just pile up.
    I can't wait to hear what your big accomplishment is!!
    I adore that cappuccino cup!!

  7. #4 sounds like an awesome idea! Thanks for linking up this week; I think my questions scared a lot of people away!

  8. I'm not normally a procrastinator, but some things have fallen to the way side recently. I'm trying to catch up!

  9. great post!

  10. No, but I'm married to one. I guess it's true, opposites do attract. :D

  11. Ricki Jill, I do wish you will accomplish your dream of paintings on literary heroines. That would be so wonderful. I love your Header with all the splashes of paint. That ceramic cup is so pretty. My brother used to make these in ceramic class.

    You're still having rain showers? Here in California, it is getting warmer every day, and summer is upon us.



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