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We Want to Know Wednesday *and* Farmers' Market Roses

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

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{no. 1} What are a few things on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish this year?
I don't really have a bucket list.  Maybe I should write one!

{no. 2} What would you rather have, a short order cook or a maid?
Neither.  I'd much rather have a chauffeur because I hate driving, and I hate the traffic here in Birmingham!

{no. 3} Are there any projects you hope to do this Summer?
At the moment I'm too focused on my kids.  It's proving to be a very busy summer, and we're focusing on academics with one in summer school and one receiving tutoring.  I am planning on starting a series of paintings based on literary heroines this fall once the kids are back in school and in a regular routine.

{no. 4} What do you want your next big purchase to be?
I would like to buy a sweet-tempered thoroughbred.  {for Shelley}

{no. 5} Why did you start blogging?
I had major surgery, and I was bored.    ;P

As you know from yesterday's post, we visited the Farmers' Market in our area Saturday.  I bought a few roses, and I wanted to share them with you.  It's interesting to see the ones that opened fully and the ones that didn't.

Finally, the creamy-white ones tinged in pink opened-up!

I miss our rose garden in Arizona.  If I'm ever blessed to have one again, I'll grow some old-fashioned David Austin roses, like these:

Speaking of roses....I have a new blog obsession. If you've never visited Hedgerow Rose, you should, like, right now!  The photography is simply stunning.

Maybe I should change my answer to #4.  I need a big girl camera!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh! You'd love a big girl camera. A year in and I'm still just getting to know it well. I'm doing the same this summer-just concentrating on the kiddo and enjoying being with her. I'd love a maid-not to live in the house but just someone to come in once a week and do the deep down clean.

  2. Ahhh, a chauffeur would definitely be nice! Not that I need one for my regular ol' day-to-day, living & working in a small town means driving isn't much of an issue. BUT - when I want to go somewhere in the city or beyond, I get nervous and often skip going just because I don't want to drive there!

    Beautiful roses, Ricki Jill :)

  3. Good Morning Ricki! Your blog posts are always fun to visit and I appreciate your subtle sense of humor;) The roses you bought are so pretty!

  4. Those roses are gorgeous! All 4 of our pink rose bushes blossomed 2 weeks ago, and then got ripped apart with our recent storms (before I thought to snip some and bring them inside). :(
    I'm really looking forward to seeing this heroine painting series of yours! :D

  5. I too, want a nice DSLR camera. Love taking pictures, but it's not the same with a camera phone.

  6. Another great list! I need a camera too!

    We have done some literary paintings here. I also love looking at ones done by various artists. It would be a neat project, because they are so personal to literary interpretation and artistic style.

    I don't have a "bucket" list. I don't like the word and its stop sounds.

    Beautiful roses!

  7. Beautiful roses! I'd love to grow David Austin roses too, but only have Knockout roses. They are great, but not good for cutting. I'm off to visit Hedgerow Rose. '-)

  8. I love your roses and all the colors. I want a new camera too.

  9. Stopping by from We Want to Know Wednesday.

    Beautiful flowers.

    I know someone who breeds AKC certified labs (yellow and white). They are in PA though.

  10. Hmmm...if the maid was going to clean up after I cooked AND the laundry would be done? I might just drive around all day aimlessly!

  11. Your roses are beautiful and the picture are great. I remember when my summers were like yours. I kind of miss those times.

    I got a big girl camera for my birthday yesterday. Yikes! I need a class. :)

  12. Gorgeous roses - I love the combination of different pink and red and peach shades together. They are so pretty. I followed your link and love the flower photos at Hedgerow Rose.

    I would have thought Arizona would have been a difficult place to have a great garden as it is so arid. Interesting that it was your favourite garden.

  13. Love all the "facts" about you and those roses are just beautiful. I am off to visit the link you have here- xo Diana

  14. I'm totally buying flowers this week! You've inspired me!

  15. I so loved all the pictures of the roses..........really lifted my spirts on this cold and very wet Thursday........

  16. I like the idea of having lists, but I don't like calling it a bucket list. I should call our summer bucket list "Lovely's list of fun" or something like that!

  17. Your roses are gorgeous. I've noticed that my roses are turning a dark red or purple after they've been in water for a couple of days. I love roses! And it's fun to read your answers! We have a lot in common! Hugs!


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