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Friday Confessional: The Color Pink in the Kitchen, More Comfort Food, and Mr. Art @ Home Is In the Dog House!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Friday, my lovelies!  It's confession time!!!

I confess...
I confess that I'm loving the pink in our kitchen.  And I've been accessorizing! Take a look-see:

LOVING the pink roses from the Farmers' Market.  They still look so good!

Pink sea salt in an adorable little turquoise salt cellar from Lanikai Pot and Plant.

Sweet little rose covered magnetic memo board from Villabarnes.  Rosemary is so creative, and her up-cycled treasures are so pretty, fun, and functional!

I'm enjoying my pink salt pig I bought a while back.  It came with its own pink sea salt, and I'm almost out!  The coconut macaroon candles smells like heaven!

Speaking of heaven....this might be my favorite candle in the whole house.  It's from the Illume Spring Eden collection.

I would love this vintage pink cabinet for the kitchen.  It's from An Angel at My Table.  LOVE that site!

So I confess that I'm thinking about buying the above cabinet.  Do you want to know why?  Well, obviously it's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission....

Do you want to know why else?  Here's why:

I confess...
I confess that I'm ticked-off at Mr. Art @ Home.  
It's bad enough he bought a turquoise Vespa.

And then it had a baby...they're multiplying....

Ummm....I dont remember the conversation about buying either of them.  Mr. Art claims that they are an investment.  Yep.....I've heard that one before.   :/   
Plus, we live on a mountain.  They aren't safe!  We can't even get out of our neighborhood without putting our lives in danger!

But OH, it gets even BETTER!

Do you see the round thing on the back?  It was made for a Starbucks Grande and Venti go cup.  

REALLY????  Now is Mr. Art mocking me, or is this "you appeal" because the last time I checked I was in BIG TROUBLE for my Starbucks habit, the hypocrite.  Did I say that out loud?  :/

I love ya, Babe, but you're in so much stinkin' trouble....

I confess...
I confess that Miss Pat asked me in art class if I cook all the time or what? Well, yes, I do, Miss Pat (got to love her)!!!  I have very spoiled peeps in my house....very high maintenance....

So here's my latest recipe, and it's dedicated to Miss Pat because it doesn't make a whole lot, so there won't be leftovers for days!

Three Cheese Penne Bake

1 (8-oz.) package penne pasta
2 tablespoons butter 
2 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 cups milk 
1/2 cup half-and-half
1/2 cup (4 oz.) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
8 oz. shredded Gruyère cheese, divided
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper 
Pinch of ground nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Prepare pasta according to package directions.
2. Meanwhile, melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in flour; cook, whisking constantly, 1 minute. Gradually whisk in milk and half-and-half; cook, whisking constantly, 5 - 7 minutes or until thickened. Stir in Cheddar cheese, Parmesan cheese, 1cup Gruyère cheese, and next 3 ingredients until smooth.
3. Stir together pasta and cheese mixture, and pour into 4 lightly greased 11- x 7-inch baking dish. Top with remaining Gruyère cheese.
4. Bake at 350° for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden and bubbly.

I confess...
I confess that I must needs a Starbucks fix right now! 
I might get a Cap'n Crunch Frap in addition to my cappuccino!  They're the yummiest! 

Later, lovelies!  ;P

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I could forgive that pretty turquoise Vespa! You can accessorize with that! But I think you could splurge on more than Farmer's Market roses after 2 Vespas.

    Loving everything you show on your pink kitchen! Hey, did you know that there is a vintage pink Christmas china pattern? Email me and I'll tell you the pattern if you don't know about it. I don't want to tell the world as there might be a run on it and I'm still trying to pick up more pieces on eBay! But they're pretty!

  2. Well, that turquoise Vespa is pretty cool. '-) He could have brought home a pink one and you could style it in the kitchen. '-)
    I confess that I have a Starbucks habit too ~ coffee lite frap w/ an add shot of expresso. ;-)

  3. Love, love, love all of your pink. And you must, yes, I said MUST get yourself that precious pink cabinet, I can see your name ALL over it!

  4. Someone told me one time....oh, I cooked a big meal like that one time. What do you mean? We cook a big meal EVERY night! lol We love to cook and EAT! Love those Vespas. And look how GREAT he looks on it! Let's see what you look like on the other one! ; ) Have fun!

  5. Oh my gosh you crack me up! I think you totally need that little pink shelf. It is just screaming your name and the hubs will just have to deal!

  6. Oh my gosh, how funny! Mr. Art??? what are you thinking! I've never had a captain crunch starbucks, but since I don't have one here and only get them when I travel, I'll have to get one next time, Sounds delightful, as for your recipe, you are evil!!?? LOL, my mouth is drooling!

  7. oh you are killing me. LOL
    boys and their toys!
    That pink shelf better be on its way, it is only fair.

  8. I love pink...Pink sea salt, who knew!!! I say 2 Vespas equal one pink shelf!!


  9. Well that mountain does sound kind of scary on a scooter but the turquoise one is so cute! My dad has old old Cushman scooters...several of them. Loves them!

    The pink cabinet is adorable. Go for it!

    The penne sounds awesome!

  10. Oh- Our husbands must be from the same planet-actually my hubby might be your hubby's planetary father. He whines and complains about my Starbucks habit and has this stinking old bus sitting in the garage that is an "investment" (matter of fact I have a post about it for tomorrow) AND he golfs and goes to lunch and ALL I do for myself (no kidding) is buy Starbucks. Hypocrites of the highest order!!!! I guess they came from the planet Hypocrates. xo

  11. So many cute pink things! I love the little salt pig and the salt cellar. I cannot wait to try this scrumptious recipe! I have to tell you, I too am a captain crunch fan...I could eat an entire box with no milk of course.

  12. Ricki Jill,
    I just came over to take a peek at your pink kitchen. Love the roses. I've always wanted a pink kitchen, so I'm very interested in yours hehehe. The 'Remember Me' board is so pretty. And that Three Cheese Penne Bake is amazing - I want some! That looks like the Mo=ped that my husband used to drive when he came to see me while we were dating, so I must confess, it brought back sweet memories.


  13. The way I see it the Vespas and the pretty pink cabinet do rather balance each other out. I think you and hubby better take some drives and pick up some Starbucks and have a picnic and discuss the situation ;)

  14. Oh ,wow! You have a lot on your plate right now. I've always wanted a Vespa but don't like major surprises. It will be interesting to see what happens!

    How do they make the sea salt pink?

    Definitely loving this recipe...thought it would have a lot of cheese by the name but it looks pretty healthful.


  15. Ricki Jill, It's ALWAYS better to ask for forgiveness than the cabinet, or better yet, buy two :) I hear the "it's an investment" excuse a lot. Love all the pink touches in your kitchen!

  16. Go get a pink vespar and park that pretty right in the kichen or instead of the cabinet mount that instead!

  17. I can't decide whether the pink sea salt or the mac and cheese is more enticing. Well, maybe the mac and cheese. And and as far as Mr Arty Smarty Pants, the Vespas gotta GO ;)
    Happy 4th Ricki Jill. Love your creative self!

  18. Dueling scooters? I hope he's got a good plan for those!

    I almost bought an orchid today, but then I decided I needed to research how to take care of it first.

  19. RJ,
    LOL! I love the cute little scooters. I'd be afraid to drive them in crazy California, but they are very cute, especially the aqua one.
    I cook 90% of our meals as well, but I like to cook so it's not a huge chore. This pasta dish is getting the nod from Mr. B for a meal this week, thanks.
    I think you should go for the great pink cupboard...I can see it in your kitchen holding some of your collectibles.

  20. Ricki Jill,
    I'm not sure what the tree is with the purple flowers, but about three blog friend's mentioned Crepe Myrtle Tree, so I'm thinking it may be that. Oh, I just love your roses.

    Have a fun weekend.


  21. Ok this may sound strange from a woman who doesn't like motor bikes but I have at times thought it would be cool to have a Vespa I think they look awesome..........
    Next the pink in the kitchen............bloody lovely............

  22. You make me laugh! I have a picture of me on a Vespa, one of my favorite pics but I never rode it. Those are cute. At my house, it's golf clubs and golf shirts. My man has 1000 golf shirts and keeps getting more LOL. Love your accessories and pink is a lovely color. Have you linked up to Pink Saturday?

  23. Go ahead, buy the cabinet. lol I'm glad to be a part of your pink passion. The magnetic board looks very comfortable with you. As for the scooters, hmmmmm, yes, buy the cabinet.

  24. Pink in your kitchen - lovely.
    Vespa- I have never ridden one, but the look sooo cute!
    If I cooked, which I don't, I would make your cheese penne - it looks delicious even at midnight.

  25. Love that will look super cool in your kitchen....
    I have to say the scooters are adorable and look like so much can ride one of them to the shop that has the cabinet...oh, wait...the cabinet is online...ok, go on one to the market for more pretty pink flowers...and a Starbucks....:))

  26. Oh honey, thanks for this récipe, I'm making it tomorrow for Mr. Living, he adores pasta and yours is making me drool! The cabinet will look fab in your kitchen. My daughter and me loved scooters, much fun! Thanks for your sweet comment and wishing you all a very happy Fourth ahead.

  27. Oh my goodness...that recipe is going on my meal plan for next week. Sounds fantastic.
    I would forgive the vespa...cause I've always wanted one and they scare me a little less than motorcycles. BUT...I say get the cabinet, because it is fantastic.

  28. I confess....that turqoise Vespa is awesome. :D
    He needs to buy a pink one for you, with hand-painted roses (instead of flames) on it. Heeheee.....but not if they're unsafe!


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