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We Want to Know Wednesday: Would You Rather....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kenzie and Scriptor host We Want to Know Wednesday.  This week, we're playing Would You Rather.....


{no. 1} Would you rather... go out to eat or make a nice meal at home? I'd much rather eat at home.  With the exception of a recent meal I prepared:  Scotch Eggs.  THey turned out way too huge, and I followed the recipe, but they are so large!  They look like dinosaur eggs.  :/  {so not sharing this recipe with y'all}

Dinosaur eggs
Scotch Eggs

{no. 2} Would you rather... drive or fly?  There was a time when I would have said fly, but I definitely prefer driving now.  We road tripped to upstate NY last summer and had a blast! Plus, my car is so much dang fun to drive.

{no. 3} Would you rather... go to a sporting event or watch it on TV? Definitely go to the sporting event, especially if it's Alabama Crimson Tide football.  Roll tide!

Bryant-Denny Stadium, Home of the Crimson Tide

{no. 4} Would you rather... read a book or watch TV? If you don't guess this one, you're not paying attention.  I'd much rather read a book.  Here's my latest:

{no. 5} Would you rather... go to bed early or sleep in late? Go to bed early! I'm a morning person.

Sunrise over Double Oak Mountain

This was a fun distraction for me because I've been so upset about the terrorist attack in Boston.  Thanks for hosting, ladies!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Okay the dinosaur eggs look interesting.
    I most definitely prefer the road trip as it always means new discoveries and we usually have a few good laughs. I much prefer going to the sport event, although I often prefer hockey on TV than in the arena. I am not a big TV fan but I might actually say I love listening to music, followed by the book. And, definitely home cooked meal. I eat out every week since I am on the road with my job and it never gets as good as a home-cooked meal.
    Good distraction RJ at such a terrible time.

  2. I think I'd rather go out to eat because I'm just so tired of tyring to figure out what to cook for a fussy household. And it is way more fun to drive. I do like tv, because then I can do 2 things at once. I used to love to sleep late but in my old (older) age I love the mornings :)

  3. I'm totally a morning person too. I hear ya! Thanks for linking up.

  4. Eating at home in the garde- something my husband created
    Road trip - with no definite plans and on side roads instead of rushing past on freeways
    Live, not TV for sports
    Book always over the movie
    Stay up late and get up early - 5 nights a week - there isn't enough time in the day.

  5. While I'd rather eat out, I did have an experience this past weekend that made me wish we'd eaten in... We took my mom to a steakhouse for her birthday dinner, and while the restaurant and wait staff were lovely, our meals left something to be desired. When we were done, my uncle announced that next time we were all going to go to his house instead of a restaurant because he could cook better than that. And Lord knows he can... I was wishing we'd had one of his fabulous meals than the underwhelming food we had there!

  6. Oh, I haven't thought about Scotch eggs in over 30 years. '-)
    I'm with you on almost every question except I like to stay up late and I'm not a sport's enthusiast for either TV or the real deal.
    Sad here too, very sad! ~ Sarah

  7. Now Ricki Jill I think the scotch eggs deserve more credit,I know they were delish.

    Love your VW.

    And sleep..what's that????....teehehehehehe

  8. I love healthy food at home, reading, and road trips. xo Laura

  9. I'm with you on just about everything! Thorr scotch eggs look so good! Happy Wednesday!

  10. Ricki Jill,
    I'm on board with each of your preferences. I've never had scotch eggs but I think I prefer my egg independent of meatloaf. Mr. B and I love road trips and I'm definitely a morning person. Fun post.

  11. I love it when you do these posts and that book I'm looking for RIGHT now!!!

  12. I'd rather eat at home, be the passenger (let's me read my book) I'd love to sleep in but with the 3 year old that just doesn't happen.

    Love this post C:

  13. Hi Ricki Jill,
    I would rather:
    1) Eat in unless its an "Occasion"
    2) Fly because I want to get to my destination as quickly as possible.
    3) I have had tickets to pro Baseball and Football for years and now I would rather stay at home or a friends and watch the Big Screen!
    4& 5) Read a good book and go to bed early enough that I won't fall asleep after three or four pages!

    My things do change over the years!
    Art by Karena

  14. read a book for sure that was a no brainier for me and wow beautiful sunset

  15. What fun facts. We are pretty much on the same page...and those DINO EGGS do look huge! Hope you had a great day! xo Diana

  16. Hi Ricki! We have opposing and similar preferences haha I love to sleep late, watch a live sports game, eat at home but between reading and watching TV? still have to decide which suits me, I love both haha

    Have a great day!

  17. Hi RJ, It’s been hard listing and watching news about Boston here too.
    Answers 1. Go out. I’ve cooked myself silly taking care of the family, now I enjoy going out! 2. Drive, if not so far all at once. I don’t enjoy flying now. 3. We use to go to games, now I love the comfort of home. 4. I love to read, I love good movies. Depends on the time of day, love to read early morning or afternoon. Jim and I love old movies on weekends. The book sounds like a good beach read. Beautiful sunset on DOM!

    The French Hutch

  18. Those dinosaur eggs do look interesting not sure if I would like them though.......

  19. What you so need to post your recipe! They look good!

  20. I'm gonna do this! that was fun and such a nice distraction from the Boston bombings.

  21. I see, you had to rub it in AGAIN that you were in upstate NY!!!!

  22. Did you make those gorgeous Scotch eggs? This is such a terrible week for our country. I hope this ends soon. Hope all is well.

  23. Such a good list. I'm with you on eating in. I'd rather fly, but only so I can go somewhere exotic and across the ocean (flying isn't really much fun these days with security and all). No sporting events at all for me. I love reading a good book (and the one you show looks really interesting), but I also love watching a movie (not TV though). I love the idea of getting up early and I love the early morning, but I find it hard to get myself to bed on time so then I love to sleep in. Oh, and did you notice how decisive I am (not) since I can't come up with a straight answer for most of the questions ;)

  24. I hope you road trip again this year. Great to see you and Shanley Belle last year!! I like a good road trip, but I'm still a sucker for a short air hop! I love the morning, but have become a night owl the older I get, go figure???


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