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We Want to Know Wednesday: Time to Get Out of the House!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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{no. 1} Where is your favorite place to go on vacation, and if you could choose any place to go where would you go?

My favorite place to go on vacation is Bachelor Gulch, Colorado.

I want to go to Inverness, Scotland.

{no. 2} What is your favorite hobby?

Painting is my favorite hobby.

{no. 3} When you need to get out of the house, what do you do?

I usually go to the book store or the library!  :D

{no. 4} What is your go to date night idea?

Date night?  What's that?  :/
We usually go to dinner.  The best dates are on Lake Martin.

We actually have a date to go to a concert Saturday night!  :D

We are going to see:

The White Animals

{no. 5} Do you have any tattoos, if so what of and where?  {BONUS} If you have a photo and don't mind showing us, feel free!

LOL Heck-to-the-NO!  If I can't commit to a hair color, I certainly don't need a tattoo....WAY to permanent!  I would get sick of it.

Join Kenzie and Scriptor for We Want to Know Wednesday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. you are so funny! Enjoy your date night!

  2. Ha! I am with you on the tattoo! Cannot imagine having something as permanent as that.
    Date nights? I have always loved the idea of that!!

  3. Why hasn't ABC taken the show to Bachelor Gulch?

  4. Are you going skiing this year? It looks so gorgeous. Enjoy time with your hubby. I want to spend some with mine but we have such crazy schedules right now so no luck. By the way love your new header.

  5. I envy people who like going places where it's snowy. I can't wrap my head around a vacation wherein I'm cold all the time. LOL. Thanks for linking up.

  6. Gulch looks amazing!

    I just had to laugh at your comment about tattoos ... I keep changing my hair color ... so I might just want to change a tattoo if I were to get one

    Enjoy your date!

  7. If I downhill skied, that would be a great place to go. I never learned how, but I do cross country ski. We finally have enough snow to go.

  8. Bachelor Gulch looks gorgeous! Is that anywhere near Telluride or Durango? Those areas of CO are so, so pretty.

    Inverness is gorgeous (all of Scotland is) but damp, and cold, and dark. :)
    I loved it, but shivered the entire week I was August!

  9. Ricki Jill,
    How fun. I'm with you on the tattoo...besides the permanence, I'm adverse to pain, which I would imagine you'd feel as you get the tattoo. Ha.

  10. did you paint that? beautiful!

  11. Oh how I would love to bump into you at the bookstore!

  12. Adorable! I've been to Inverness (love it) but not Colorado (would like to go).

  13. Bachelor Gulch looks gorgeous - I definitely put it on my list of places to go!
    That painting is gorgeous, did you do that? Wow!
    I totally understand on not getting a tattoo because it is very, very permanent ha ha. I waited a year before I got the one on my foot because I wanted to make sure I really liked it.
    Thanks so much for linking up!

  14. What a neat list! I love your vacation choices!

  15. Great answers loved them it took me a long time to decide to get a tattoo..........and I have no regrets over it


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