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White Kitchen Inspirations

Thursday, January 3, 2013

One of my January goals is to complete some much-needed repairs in our kitchen. Unfortunately the project will require new countertops.  The installer cracked and chipped our counter, and one of the seams is over 1/4" wide. When we visited the supplier requesting they fix their shoddy workmanship, they had gone out of business!  :/  We cannot install the countertops ourselves, so it will be a costly project.  While making these repairs, we're also making a few inexpensive improvements that we can manage DIY.  Here are some inspiring photos from Pinterest, and unfortunately I have NO IDEA the origin of each photo.  I'd like to give credit if anyone knows.

I think this photo originated with Southern Accents.
I love the French doors, chandelier, island, and kids' artwork on the cabinets.  Such a lovely kitchen!

I love the look of marble, but I worry about stains.
Alabama white marble is not as expensive here (obviously) as in other areas of the country.

The shades of white in this kitchen are *yummy.*  Lots of nice texture, too.

J'adore this French-inspired kitchen.  The white beams, wall-mounted iron rack, and black La Cornue stove are all so, so pretty.

I like the unfitted feel of this kitchen, too.

Do you like {mostly} white kitchens?  What about white cabinets with white countertops?  We have several decisions to make, but we will be keeping our white appliances, cabinets, and limestone and travertine floors.

You can see our kitchen here.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love white kitchens Ricki Jill! I wish I had gone with my idea for white when we built but was a little unsure so I stained the cabinets maple. I love your kitchen! That farmhouse sink is dreamy. All you MC pieces really pop! Wow, great photos and inspiration here. Good luck with the kitchen work!

    The French Hutch

  2. We finished up our kitchen (mostly) this summer. I like the idea of a white kitchen, but shudder at the idea of keeping it clean with two boys in the house.
    I hope your updates go well!

  3. Hi Ricki! Thank you for the comment and leaving me the thrill of reading the Perks..

    I always love houses that uses white as base paint and later accentuated by different pieces. Among your pegs, I love the shade of white with textures. It's a perfect depiction of shabby chic.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  4. Our new kitchen has white cabinets and I love them. Mine actually have a little glaze on them so they aren't stark white. The counters are not white though I absolutely love that look. My mother in law has white marble counters and she doesn't like them. I've read pros and cons...mostly people seem to say that if you can live with the imperfections of stains here and there you will love them.

    Oh, I just went to a show home that had honed white granite counter tops. Mercy they were gorgeous!

  5. Gorgeous.. all of them! I have white marble on my counters and as a back splash. It DOES etch and stain so you have to be okay with that type of patina. White is timeless as are all the styles you have shown at the top. I'm so sorry to hear about the company going out of business.. These things happen unfortunately.


  6. These are all wonderful images for dream kitchens.
    I tend to want warmer kitchen tones to feel cozy and at home.
    A dark kitchen to me screams comfort and a white one is more vacation fantasy, lol

  7. These are all such lovely spaces. Ricki Jill. Such a shame about your counter tops. I know your kitchen will look fabulous.

  8. I love the idea of white kitchens, white bedrooms... But I'm actually a color girl at heart

  9. Lovely inspiration pics RJ. Your kitchen is already so cute. We have a white kitchen and I have never regretted it for a second.

  10. They are all so beautiful images! As much as I love color, there is something about all white kitchens...they just sing to me.

  11. They are all so beautiful, such a hard choice to pick out a counter top I know, I like a white kitchen with white counter tops but knew with my husband cooking it wouldn't stay nice so went with the black!

  12. I love all the white kitchens you posted. Having three boys it's not practical for us..........but I do love it.

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