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Musical Monday: "Red"

Monday, November 5, 2012

Shelley is the biggest Taylor Swift fan on the planet, so we've been listening to Taylor's new CD.....a lot!

Methinks I now know it by heart!  But I must say as a mom that I think she's a great role model for my 15 year old.  :D

What are you listening to this week?

Link-up to Musical Monday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I do have to agree about her as a role model.
    What a great heart that girl has and gives so much of her self to charities.
    What a sweetheart too bad more pop stars can't take a note from her. Maybe we would have more young ladies being ladies instead of nightmares like those Kardashians.

  2. Where was she when we were kids? Love the We are Never getting Back Together video!

  3. I agree, I think she is a pretty good role model for 15 year olds, I'm listening to Adel,

  4. Talk radio only. I am completely obsessed with this election as I am with all of them. Let's hope it goes our way!!

  5. Hope she stays as sweet as she is ....

  6. O, I like
    Taylor, too.
    Will be back for MY HAPPY LIST...:)

  7. Taylor Swift is a good role model. I enjoy her music a lot. The girls some time ago went to Brad Paisley concert and he had two opening acts, Taylor Swift was the first. After all of the concerts she came out and met the fans. This was shortly after she won her first CMA and she had it there as well. The girls have pictures taken holding it and she even posed with them. From that night on I thought highly of this young performer. She will never know what a high my step daughters were able to experience.


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