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A Call for Help Plus Wit & Whimsy: Patriotic Bedroom

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bloggy Friends...HELP!  I need your advice.  

1.   First of all, I was DELUGED with SPAM comments on (mostly) two of my posts.  My gmail inbox was packed full of crappy spam!  :/
2.   Then my gmail account was compromised, and my Facebook account.  I had to delete some Facebook posts and links I didn't post! Please, if you've gotten an odd comment on Facebook from me the past couple of days, assume it wasn't from me.

At first I set my blog to invitation only, and the spam did stop. Grace suggested that I moderate all comments for a little while.  I'm doing that.  I reset the password to gmail and I think that's taken care of for now.  Google has been helpful with this issue.  Any other advice? The big issue is actually finding important emails, like the ones form my daughter's school.  I usually get several emails from her school weekly, and I get panicked if I can't find them in the middle of all the spam.

Thanks for your help!

This is a post that I intended for yesterday, but with all the problems with gmail, Facebook, and Spam I didn't want to post for fear of even more spam.

First of all, our country is split, and the election was not a mandate like the 2008 and 2010 elections.  Our country not only elected a democratic President, but also elected a republican House of Representatives. Obviously the electorate wants a mixed, more moderate approach in solving our problems.  We have millions suffering without jobs, and thousands homeless from Hurricane Sandy.  I pray that both parties can work together  and compromise to get us back on track and avoid the impending financial cliff. We have a history of strong leaders working together for the betterment of the United States of America:  Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil and Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich are two examples.  Let's pray that Barack Obama and John Boehner can work together, and let's pray that they start by implementing all recommendations in Simpson-Bowles.

I have always loved red, white, and blue rooms.  In honor of the election, I wanted to feature a patriotic bedroom.

I love the dots, check, and toile.  The sweet flowered quilt on the footboard is so pretty, too. There is even a white lamp, red books, and blue glass on the small nightstand.  :D

Do you like this cozy bedroom?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Love the dots and the blanket folded at the end of the bed!

    Ugh! The only good spam comes in a can...well, and even then...sorry about your troubles! Could you set up another email address to give the school?

  2. Ugh that sucks! I hope you it's all fixed now!

    As for the room I love all the white but in my house that would never stay white.

  3. I was going to suggest you reset your password, so I'm glad you thought of that. I presume you also know you can search your gmail account so you can find the emails from your daughter's school. It is so crummy that the spammers are taking over your account.

  4. Oh, and forgot to say that I love the bedroom - so pretty and fresh and such a gorgeous mix of patterns.

  5. Hmm, maybe create a different email for your blog comments to come to? Or you can enable the setting that makes you approve comments, though the may still flood your inbox. Where did the spam come from?

  6. i hate when your accounts get compromise Ive ha it happen twice wasn't happy about it

  7. so sorry to hear you were compromised, that sucks, I have been there, the red white and blue bedroom is beautiful,

  8. Wouldn't a bedroom like that make you cheerful every day?

  9. I love the bedroom. I have three email accounts, one I use for personal email, another I use to register or sign up things with and the gmail is for my blog. I have been noticing more spam on my blog email lately.

    I also totally agree with your post about our country. Tuesday was such a depressing day. I think the elections seemed to tear our country apart more. I do not remember as many moaners when a candidate lost like I did this year. Plus the news with my Dad that night just did not help set my tone for the coverage and news the day after.

    Oh, and change your password to your facebook, this will help the hackers there.

  10. I love that bedroom! There is something about red, white & blue...I love it!

  11. Love the bedroom picture and the toile pillow in it. I wished I could help, but I am at a loss too. I have noticed that I too am having alot more spam too with my yahoo account since I have been posting at my old blog. If you go to your stats page you will see who is coming to your blog and I have seem alot of weird sites coming to mind. I think alot of them is coming just to send me spam. Sorry I could not help you.

  12. I keep two separate emails. One for bloggy stuff and the other for things like school emails.

  13. The same thing happened to me once. I set the comments to be moderated for awhile and the spam eventually stopped. There was one post I did about 3 years ago that seems to get spam periodically. Don't know why that is. People don't like comment moderation (neither do I) but sometimes it is necessary. I was able to take it off and things have been ok.

  14. Hi Ricki Jill,
    I had spam hit my blog big time. It was horrible, terrible things I can't repeat here. I wanted to keep my bog open for bloggers to comment without having to copy and type hard to read letters. I have my settings so I can moderate and then post comments. It has worked fine. The only problem is when I'm busy or away and can't check my blog for comments some won't get posted for awhile. I know that't better than opening the blog to find filth and have to worry about all the nice people who visit me seeing something bad. Sounds like your problem was even worse than mine! I certainly agree with you about our elected officials, they are going to have to work together! Love the photo of the bedroom, so bright and cheerful.
    Have a great weekend.........

    The French Hutch

  15. Ricki Jill,
    I hate spam. I haven't gotten any on my blog in years, my son changed a setting and I do moderate comments for new comment folks.
    I love your post about the politicians working together. I pray then can do this.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. So sorry about all the trouble. I'm glad you have things figured out. The election is behind us now and life must go on. Thanks for the lovely bedroom. It is beautiful!

  17. Yikes! I'm glad you found ways to work around it. I've had more Anonymous spam recently than usual, but I figured there's nothing I can do about that. Is there a way to report to Google/Blogger the spam, so they can flag certain email addresses?

    Also, that bedroom is adorable. I like it, even though I'm not a big patriot (it's the polka dot...I love polka dot). :)

  18. Oh dear...I hate spam. I never had any until I had a FB account :( I adore the mix of dots, large & small and checks in the bedroom~ they blend harmoniously and work together like I hope our elected officials do!


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