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Literary Friday: The Chronicles of Nick

Friday, September 28, 2012

For the past couple of weeks I have been reading The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  This is her first YA series, and it tells the story Nick Gautier (pronounced GO-shay), of one of the most popular characters from her wildly successful Dark Hunter series.  The stories are from Nick's time as a high school student before he is an adult.  I have only read one Dark Hunter book, and it was by accident.  I have read Acheron because it was on the "recommend" shelf at my local library.  I had no idea it was part of a series, but I thought the book was very well written.

The Dark Hunter series is loosely based on Greek mythology.  Artemis is the goddess who makes the Dark Hunters: nocturnal warriors who protect humanity from demons and other dangerous creatures.  Nick Gautier is hanging with the wrong crowd one night when he realizes that his so-called friends are planning to mug an elderly couple.  Nick tries to help the couple, and his friends shoot him and leave him for dead.  Dark Hunter Kyrian saves his life, and pays for his hospitalization.  Nick soon becomes Kyrian's squire to reimburse him for his hospital bills.  Nick soon discovers that the world isn't as it seems: There are demons, demigods, vampires, shape-shifters, and Dark Hunters attempting to keep everyone in line. Nick also discovers that he is actually half demon, a Malachai whose destiny is to destroy the world and everyone in it.

That is a lot of pressure for a fourteen year old.

In each book, Nick learns more about his developing powers and his dual nature.  He is such a complex character, and my heart breaks for him in every single book.  In the first book, Nick struggles to survive as his classmates are turning into flesh-eating zombies from watching a video game.  In Book Two, he faces a sadistic football coach who demands Nick steal personal items from classmates in order to possess and control them. In Book Three demons who want Nick to embrace his dark side have found him, and he must learn to fight them.  Plus a miserable human is posting horrible lies and photoshopped images on the internet about the kids at Nick's high school.

Going to school, getting good grades, and staying out of trouble becomes increasingly difficult for Nick.

I can certainly understand how young adults would love this series.  I love Nick, and I so badly want him to remain the good, sweet soul he is now, the son who is so good to his mother, the friend who is loyal, and the squire who works hard to serve his Dark Hunter.  I cannot wait until Book 4 is released!


Book One


Book Two


Book Three


Book Four will be released March 19, 2013

This is a trailer for the book series.  It takes place in New Orleans, and many of the places mentioned in the books we are very familiar with them.  This is another reason I thought my daughter would enjoy them.

Reminder:  Next Friday we will celebrate Banned Books Week!  Friday, October 5th, please write a post about your favorite banned book, and link-up.  There will be prizes, too!  ;P

What have you been reading this first week of autumn?  Link-up!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Great to read your reviews! I really SHOULD be reading ALL of her books! teehee! Enjoy your day, my friend! I hope you've had a good week! Hugs!

  2. Hi Riki Jill,
    Great review! I'm really not into these paranormal series to much. I tried with twilight and just wasn't digging it. However, I did love the Hunger Games series.... Anyway, thank you for hosting! I always love reading what you have to say. Looking forward to banned books next week. :) How fun is that?! :)


  3. Hey Riki Jill

    This does sound great! I have been thinking about this series for a whiel and wondering if I needed to read the Dark Hunter series first, dosn't sound like it. Thanks so much for the review. I tried leaving a comment last week but it didn't work :(

    I am a member of the Fiction book club at the Hoover library, don't know how close you are but we meet on the 2nd thursday of each month and are reading State of Wonder if you would like to join us.

    I am off to put this weeks book review together. Thanks for hosting such a fun link up.


  4. Hello Ricki Jill,

    Ooooh, this has really piqued my interest. I LOVE hearing about books that other people have really enjoyed. Reading is such an amazing gift, don't you think?


  5. these sounds like really good books will have to check them out
    Come Say HI

  6. Hi Ricki Jill!
    Well, after reading your review I see I will have to give this author another go. I have tried to read her adult books, but had a hard time getting into them. These sound pretty good to me! Hope you are doing well!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I enjoyed your book review Ricki Jill. I have not read any of these and after your review I'll look at them.
    We've got a late game today, Roll Tide!

    The French Hutch

  9. Hi Ricki Jill~ I've read Acheron and a few of SK's books but gotten away from her Dark Hunter series~ last I read Nick was not a happy camper :) I didn't realize Nick had his on YA spin off~ the YA market is booming!


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