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Library Details

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I promised y'all another post about the details of our library with {hopefully} better quality photos, so here goes.....

I basically shopped our house for many of the furnishings.  Other elements were either free or very inexpensive.


The pillows on the swing are old.  I shopped the house for them!  The ribbons are from the girls' horse shows, and are hanging on a french memo board screen.  The screen was in Shelley's nursery.


All three table lamps were in other areas of the house and rarely used.  All three are MacKenzie-Childs, gifts from my husband over the years.  The zinc-topped bookshelf is from our art studio.


The warehouse cart was originally used in a furniture factory.  Mr. Art @ Home power washed it and refinished the top.


The tabletop easel was in the art studio.  I like it and didn't want paint getting on it, so I put the toile message board on it.  


The MacKenzie-Childs tuffet was originally in this room when it was being used as a guest bedroom.  The toile waste basket is also from the art studio.  I have something more practical in there now.


Can you believe that these pink bookends are the only ones I own?  They are some kind of quartz, and they were a gift from a friend.


I worked this sampler on linen many years ago.  It represents the library's color scheme well.


This is a Hatch Show Print from my favorite indie bookstore, Parnassus Books (Nashville).  Parnassus was our first stop on our indie book tour.  I have always admired Hatch Show Prints.


The little book basket is very old, and I think I ordered it from Exposures.  I worked the needlepoint picture of the draft horse several years ago from an Elizabeth Bradley kit.


I like the wheels on this cart.  The green is the original paint.  One of the few things I bought new for this room is the book vase from Ballard Designs.


I thought Mr. Art @ Home was going to divorce me after hanging the swing.  We did not buy it from the high end cottage and cabin store here in town.  A carpenter custom made it for me out of pine for $700, including the painting, distressing, and waxing.  


The farmhouse table came out of the neighbor's trash.  Mr. Art @ Home painted the base a pale blue (it looks white in the photos) and refinished the pine top.  The little chairs and slipcovers are from Pier 1, and we bought them new, but on sale.

So you might wonder how I came up with the crazy color scheme in the library.  Well I knew I wanted to use red, so I let Design Seeds help me with the other colors.  I have always loved the color of radishes, so when I saw this color story, I was hooked.


The radish color is very close to the Blushing Red from Benjamin Moore paint color I used in the room.  The pillows incorporate all the colors, and the mattress cover is the pale green.  We painted the base of the farmhouse table the very pale blue.  The slipcovers and memo board have both shades of green on them.  The bookends are the pale pink as is the screen holding the horse show ribbons.  The Hatch Show Print matches the darker green perfectly, and pastels of the MacKenzie-Childs lamps compliment the scheme.  The tuffet has every color in the color story on it!  Although everything in the room reflects the color story, I hope it works in the room.

I also organized a cozy home libraries inspiration board on Pinterest.  You can see the board here.

This is the second week of school, and Shelley is enjoying her room so much. I hope she appreciates having a quiet place to read and study.
Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. How fun! I love it that you have a library! We have one, "sort of" in our bed room. That cart is to die for! As is the color scheme. Radish! I love it!! :)


  2. Wow, I love this room! The cart, the amazing bookshelf, the colors, and that adorable book vase. I love it all! The color scheme is so much fun. :)

  3. Your Library is wonderful. Hopefully one day we will have a library/studio all in our unfinished basement. It is a slow project. I love the coffee table, I will have to look around for one of those.

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures, so many ideas!


  4. Fantastic,I love the way you got your color scheme.

  5. Mother Nature knows how to put colors together, doesn't she? You have added so many great little touches to the room to make it special.

  6. Oh Ricki, this library is beautiful and you are an expert with pretty details! I love the collection of pillows & when I realized they were on a swing & not a daybed, I just fell in love with the whole thing. I love the color palette too.

  7. I just love it. That swing with the pillows is the cutest thing ever. I love all the ribbons. Perfect colors and a pop of sunshine in there.

  8. Oh Ricki Jill this room is heaven!! I love love that wall colour reminds me of raspberry! I am seeing swings every where lately! This must be the newest want now!!
    You have done a beautiful job here.
    Pamela xo

  9. You....have a swing....inside your have a SWING....oh my goodness, I might faint. That is an amazing idea! I hope you get a lot of use out of it (swings totally trump rocking chairs, in my opinion). :D

    Also, that's Rose Quartz, and those are gorgeous!

  10. Love all those ribbons from the horse shows. We have boxes of ribbons, too, from dog shows. Every weekend more of them appear on our piano. We sort and box them every once in awhile then start collecting again. I have no clue how we will ever display them. We have thought of having a quilt made with them.

  11. It's beautiful Ricki, I love the swing and wish I could find a table like that in someone's trash, it's neat!

  12. It would be infinitely more fun to shop in your house than in my own!

  13. Just gorgeous! The colors are very nice and the swing stole my heart. I've always, always wanted a swing like that!


  14. Loved getting a closer look at your room. The details are wonderful. Have to say that I really love that Design Seeds site and I enjoyed seeing how you translated that palette into your room design.
    Carole (Stapes)

  15. Oh Jill this is the most fabulous room, I loved having a closer look, cute little touches like the ribbon on the needle point horse!


  16. I love it. I have a lot of ribbons belonging to my own children that I have wanted to display. Love that idea.

  17. Everything is just beautiful. I really love your horse picture and was surprised to learn it is counted cross stitch. Could we perhaps get a closer view of it?

  18. I saw the tuffet and loved it and then I saw that swing and loved it even more. Who wouldn't love curling up with a good book in this room.

  19. I would love to have a library room! Love the tuffet!

  20. You have a lovely library and it's also a very pretty and cozy place to be. I love to read, so it would be my fav room if it was mine too! Great tuffet and I think it's also a great idea! Hugs from The Polo House.

  21. i am so in love with that room, i'd never ever leave it!!! that swing is dreamy!

  22. That color is so pretty! Love your color story Ricki Jill.
    You had me at the horse shoe ribbons and that horse needlepoint, of course!
    So many pretty details. Your daughter must be over the moon!

    Thanks so much for ALWAYS joining the Favorites on the First with me, Ricki Jill.
    You are so awesome!

    Huge hugs,

  23. What fun to see this room, Ricky Jill. Love all the special details ~ your needlepoint, the girls' ribbons, and that comfy swing filled with pretty pillows. Thanks for sharing...........Sarah


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