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My Happy List: Summertime Randomness

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am so happy this week!  Summer is in full swing, and I couldn't be happier.

My Happy List

1.   Shelley finally tried skiing after years of knee boarding, wake boarding, and wake skating. Look at those long legs!  :D  Seeing Shelley enjoying her summer makes me so happy!


2.   Summertime movies are usually the best of the year, and I am so happy about the release of Brave.  Movies make me happy!

3.   I am also happy about the Smashing Summer party with Miss Angie. Smashing Smash Journals makes me so happy!  Are you playing along with us?  Grab the button on my sidebar and join-in on the fun!  :D


4.   Summer reading is making me very happy so far this summer.  There are a couple of summer releases I am excited about:



New book releases make me happy!

5.   Speaking of reading, my Literary Friday posts are now link parties.  Sorry I got last Friday's link party up so late, but we were traveling.  However, your participation made me so happy on June 8th!  Please continue to share your book love here every Friday!

What's making you happy this week?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. great list!! i love summer too. and we are SO excited to see brave!!!! did you read the new tatiana de rosnay book? i thought i saw that you were reading it...i just finished "a secret kept"...not that good, i didn't think. just wondering if you read her newest one.

  2. What a great list. Would you look at Shelley with those long, thin legs? Lucky girl...and she looks so happy to be water skiing!
    3 more days and I think my happy list will be as happy as yours!

  3. Fantastic list. I am sooooo looking forward to summer. Oh, and long legs run in my family too. My daughter is 5ft. 10 and most of that is dedicated to it! Really, they are so lucky. She certainly looks like she is having a great time!! I think just seeing that smile would make me happy!!

  4. Great happy list. Good for Shelley!! She's looking excellent on those ski's. Boy, she does have some long legs!! :D

  5. Hooray for Shelley. I used to love water skiing. I am loving summer too. It is definitely my favorite time of the year. I love the hot weather and all the sights and smells of summer.

  6. wow skiing what fun and I want to see that movie Brave looks cute. great list

  7. Great list! I'm home so that is what is making me VERY happy today!

  8. My garden has been making me happy lately. Lilies are in bloom. The lack of rain has not been making me happy, but can't have everything! Shelley looks like she is having so much fun.

  9. Aww yeah for Shelley!! I have yet to buy a good novel. We may head to the library this week. I am actually reading an old book of the kids right now. Love the cover of the Tumbleweed one.

  10. I bought my smash book but haven't gotten started yet!

  11. Scrapbooking, movies, books, gotta love summer!

  12. Great list! BRAVE, looks like a fun movie to watch!

  13. Yay for Shelley! I love skiing ... only haven't done it since moving to Belgium ... My kids are going to love Brave ... great list thanks for sharing

  14. I think Brave look hilarious. Can't wait to go see it. Loving the Smash*Jouranl Party!

  15. Summer vacay and being able to sleep- in make me happy....Yay! Happy Summer my friend.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  16. Hi Ricki Jill,
    Shelley looks like she's having a blast. The water is a must for all the kids in the summer. I have always wanted to try water skiing, but never did. Thanks for the movie suggestion, Brave. I hope your summer is off to a good start. I really like your new Header.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  17. Oh, I forgot to look so cute in your blonde hair - perfect for summer!

  18. How fun. I do love summer for the joy it brings young people and the mood of everyone. I could probably do without extreme temperatures but (knock wood) it's been very cool so far.
    Love your happy list.

  19. the Smash party looks like so much fun!! i hope it brings you lots and lots of players!!

    love the water skiing pic, fabulous!

    yay for Summer!!

  20. Shelley looks like she is a pro at this..what fun! I do have that smash album and should do something with it! Maybe now that the temps are so hot and I'm in with the cool air, it would be the perfect time to get started..thanks for the inspiration..(yes, those are long legs..nice to be tall too!)

  21. I am SO looking forward to seeing Brave! :D

    And the SmashJournal party is such fun! I've already got mine, and colored the front page, and am gathering a mental list of trinkets I'll keep from my planned summer adventures. Yay! Great idea!


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