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My Happy List: Berry Good!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mamarazzi is taking a break from blogging, but I still wanted to post a Happy List this week. This week's list is all about berries!  :D

My Happy List

1.   My sweet Zeta Sister Fran gave me these fun strawberry kitchen goodies for my birthday last month.  Strawberries are special to Zetas, and this fun gift makes me happy!


2.   I am making one of my favorite Martha Stewart recipes of all time tonight.  It is called a Blueberry Fool, and you can see her recipe here.  Blueberry Fool makes everyone in the family happy! I will post a photo later once I've made it.


3.   How about some blackberry lemonade?  There are some little mason jars full of it in this little painting.  Flavored lemonade on a hot summer's day makes me very happy!


Are you Berry Happy this week?  ;P

Update:  Aubrey @ High Heeled Love is hosting this week!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your beautiful painting! And I'm enjoying lots of fresh fruit right now. Am I berry happy? Yes...even though I don't feel so great today! At least we are back in FL enjoying the sunshine!

  2. Those strawberry things are cute, and you are such a great painter! Aubrey at is hosting the happy list link up :)

  3. Mmmm that Blueberry Fool looks delicious! I'm going to try it out soon!

  4. I love the strawberry stationary. And that dessert is making me hungry. Yum.

    I'm hosting the Happy List and Friday Confessional linky this week and next if you still want to link up.

  5. I was craving blueberries last night- how did you know? ;)

    Berries are summer, through and through. They make me happy. I can't wait to hear about the recipe! :D

  6. Well now I want blackberry flavored lemonade...and that painting!

  7. So pretty. Love the strawberry. Always have been partial. Never had a fool anything but love the name. Looks yummy!!

  8. wow cute stationary and love the painting

  9. RJ, you're painting is beautiful. Love the strawberry kitchen tools you received also. Very cute, but the painting is wonderful. Enjoy your fool blueberries, looks devine.

  10. I would be happy for all of those things too. I love your blackberry lemonade painting. It's so pretty and I love the colors.

  11. Looking at your paintings is "What Makes me Happy"!!! They are beautiful and OH SO Refreshing!
    How sweet your strawberry kitchen tools are! AND the Blueberry Fool looks DELICIOUS! I'll scoot over for the recipe...
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a FUN week,
    Big Hugs,

  12. Hi Ricki! When I was in college I never joined any organization. It was all studies for me. Whenever you share stories about your sorrority friends, I somehow regret that I didn't reach out that much. Thank God, the blogosphere was invented. I can extend my longing for friendship here. :)

    It was indeed a happy list. Your paintings also never fail to make me happy.

  13. Love you painting RJ, beautiful colors. I'm happy too today. My grandson is home from his trip to Phoenix to visit his cousin. He landed last night and I'm so happy he's home. Your desert sounds perfect for our hot humid days………….

    The French Hutch

  14. I am loving those strawberry gift package from your sister. I should change my kitchen to strawberries or cherries, they are such a fun, bright and pretty fruit. Diane

  15. Ricki Jill,

    Have a nice blog break...we all need one from time to time. What a cute strawberry package. I really like strawberry images, especially ones that look botanic in nature.

    Your painting is wonderful. I love your style, in fact I have a painting done by a local California artist that resembles your still life. So pretty. You are talented.


Comments are friendly!

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