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Art Studio Update

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I am so happy to announce that I now have an overhead light in the art studio!  *squee*  And guess what!?!  It did not cost a dime!



This the art studio before we had an overhead light.

We moved the hanging lamp from the family room, and Mr. Art @ Home bought an OttLite artist's lightbulb for it, and I love how it makes the colors on the canvas pop.  Check it out!



This is the hanging light when it was hanging in the family room.


Here it is hanging in the art studio!


Here are a few paintings in progress.  Look at how the colors pop under the OttLite!  :D
Sorry about the glare, but the wet paint is shiny.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That is a beautiful light for the art studio! Your studio is so pretty and the light is like art itself, so it's the perfect home for it.

  2. yeah for light!! i have such a light issue...too dark, too screaming bright. i get the whole light issue. hope it's working better for you :)

  3. Che carino il tuo studio!E con la giusta luce รจ perfetto!Baci!Rosetta

  4. It's so great when you can re-use or re-purpose an item. Your lamp looks great and probably makes such a difference for you in that room. I need lots of light in every room. It just makes life better for me to be able to see and not squint.

  5. Oh how nice! I have a floor Ott lamp too and it really helps. I wish I had a painting studio like you though...Christine

  6. Good Morning Dear Friend,
    I love your art studio.....where is the junk, those darn supplies that seem to accumulate. I remember it wasn't so long ago when you did your make over in the studio. It looks grand and yes light is a good thing. I am back on the blogging radar again and have missed you. That darn thing called life can just get in the way at times.
    I love your art. Kathy

  7. The fireplace tiles are so awesome also! Love the lamp and sofa looks so comfy! What a great room for creating!
    Smiles, Cyndi

  8. I love how you covered the chain with yellow. Perfection!!

  9. I would like to see those paintings in more detail; they look great! Your studio is a beautiful room. So peaceful.

  10. What a lovely addition to your studio, Ricki Jill. Beautiful room ...

    Happy Mother's Day ~
    TTFN ~

    ~ GIVEAWAY ends 5/13 ~

  11. Beautiful! I don't know if I could paint in there it would get so messy its so pretty! Your paintings are wonderful I am impressed with your talents!!

    But can you see why I thought you blot was a home decor or art blog lol! I'm just kidding with you...totally being sarcastic here.

  12. LOVE your studio, the sofa, the columns, the light fixture...
    And is that wall silver leaf? YOu probably posted about it before I was blogging. Your colorful paintings are so yummy! I'd like to see them up close, too.

  13. Great room, everything is wonderful and have studio jelousy! Your sofa, the columns and evrything else is fabulous, I really wish I finally did something like this from my girls rooms. The hanging lamp is very pretty and how smart you covrered the chain with yellow. Thanks lovely girl for your sweet and kind visit. Have a blessed MOTHER'S DAY!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Ricki Jill,
    Light is essential in a studio...And when it's pretty like this one, well it's bound to insprine lots. Your studio is lovely.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  16. Beautiful Ricki..what an awesome space for you to let lose and let your creative juices flow. Happy Mothers day to you!

  17. I just cannot believe you paint in that lovely pristine white room with that fab Victorian settee and you have managed to keep it all clean..... and white!
    I am so impressed. I am such a messy project manager when it comes to painting!
    Love your wall of art there.
    You are so gifted, Ricki Jill!

  18. Wow! The overhead light completes the serene, calm and elegant white room you have Ricki.

  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! How's many cookies and dollars for the painting on the left! Maybe a pocket sized print? My daughter's name is Lily, so my radar is always looking to tune in, and that is BEAUTIfUL!!

  20. Well! that is fantastic! It is a beautiful light - I'll have to look for that bulb! Gorgeous paintings - very inspiring room! I hope you have a blessed day,

  21. Good Evening Ricki Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this evening. I simply adore your lamp in your art studio. What a wonderful statement it makes. It is FUN just like you. Oh the painting on the left stole my heart. It looks like my amaryllis that just miraculously bloomed for my birthday. How very pretty. Girl your talents amaze me.

    I love your studio share. Looks like you are all set to start on a new project. Can't wait to see what pops off your next canvas.

    Have a glorious weekend sweetie. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  22. Your paintings a so cute. I really like the one with the pink flowers, and the blue vase. I like the hanging light too.

  23. The lamp is so pretty, perfect for your art studio.

  24. The studio is beautiful. The light looks reall great there and wow, those paintings are fabulous. I am so happy you have your studio and you are getting it more and more perfect! Happy Mother's Day!

  25. Love your studio and your hanging lamp is the perfect addition. Your paintings look fabulous! Have a great weekend my talented friend.

    Susan and Bentley

  26. Oh, Ricki Jill, I really like your hanging light in your art studio. I have thought about the Ott lites for use at my sewing machine, especially when I'm machine quilting. I need to consider that.

    Now you've got me excited to head off to Michaels to look at Smash books. I have heard of them & have seen them advertised there, but always forget to look. That sounds right up my ally!

    Happy Mother's Day, sweet friend!
    xoxo, Carol


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
