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We Want to Know Wednesday: Readers' Questions

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This week, Mamarazzi and Crazymama are celebrating one year of WWTKW by giving away a $25 Target gift card.  You should play for a chance to win!  ;P

Here are this week's questions:

Vandy @ wants to know:
{one} What is your quirkiest habit?

I make tea all the time, and I don't always drink it because I become distracted by other things. I am like Annie on Being Human, but at least I can drink it!


If I am home, this is what my drainboard looks like in early afternoon!

D @ wants to know:
{two}What TV show do you always stop to watch?

BBC-America's Top Gear is my favorite show, and I picked it when asked: "If you had to live a week in a TV show, which one would you choose?"

My second favorite is BBC-America's Being Human, and I have it on the brain due to question #1.


I heard that Annie is leaving the show.  I hope it isn't true because I love her character!

Vanessa @ wants to know:
{three} What do you miss most about being a kid?

I miss riding my bike, a Huffy Spirit of 76.  I loved riding it through trails.  I loved that bike!

Jolene @   wants to know:
{four} How many siblings do you have? 


Kenzie @ wants to know:
{five} How do you get yourself out of a funk?

I rarely get into funks.  But when I do, a trip to Barnes and Noble and/or the library usually puts me in a  much better mood.


I want to find this book because it is supposed to be so good.  *IF* I get in a funk this week, I shall find it!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I've never heard of either of those TV shows, or that book...I'm intrigued!

    Your tea cups look beautiful - no wonder you always want a cup of tea around, I would too if I had nice mugs like that to drink from! :)

    Have a great day!!

  2. I haven't watched either of those shows but I have heard of them. RickiJill, what an interesting name! Hopping over from Mamarazzi!
    The Lone Tater!

  3. I tend to do that with tea as well; at least in the winter.

  4. I want to look for that book, too! Will you be my sister? We love so many of the same things! And something else funny...I was in a funk this morning and went to the library this afternoon! Now I feel fine! So Dr. Ricki J...your remedy works! Hugs!

  5. You make me wanna go on a bike ride... I haven't been on a bike at all in YEARS! Probably not the best time to start... but maybe sometime soon I will :).

  6. Even if you don't end up in a funk, it might be best to get theee to a bookstore to PREVENT one!

  7. I do the fix myself something then forget all about it too- but my cups/mugs aren't nearly so darling.

  8. that is sooooo funny about the tea. i totally get that and do the same thing. i make myself a smoothie, or tea, or a tall dark and handsome and forget about it. i never sit still long enough!!

    thanks for linking up my dear sweet friend!!


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