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We Want to Know Wednesday: Easter Edition

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We Want to Know Wednesday is hosted by Crazymama and Mamarazzi.


Crazymama is asking the questions this week and this is what she wants to know:

{1} What is your favorite Easter tradition?

Easter sunrise service, lakeside.  It is the first worship service of the season, and it is always special.  I also love dying Easter eggs.


I think these eggs from BH&G are too cute!

{2} Tell us about your Easter meal.

We usually have a traditional Easter ham with eggs for brunch.  We also have hot cross buns.


{3} Do you decorate for Easter?

Yes, I do!  I like decorating for Easter more than decorating for Christmas.  I like the colors better!





{4} Your Easter basket is not complete without....


{5} Are you getting an Easter dress?

Not this year, no.  We do not dress up very much at the lake.  If we were staying in town and attending church here, I probably would.

I hope you are having a very blessed Holy Week!


Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Nice Easter decorations. Happy Easter!

  2. Your decorations are amazing! Wow!!

    Love me some PB eggs too...

    You know, my mom always has Hot Cross Buns around this week, but I've never really liked them. Too bad, 'cause they look so nice!! We also used to have Easter sunrise service down by the river, but hasn't been done in a few years.

    Happy Easter!

  3. I like your Easter decorations. If I was more organized I'd decorate, but I can only manage Christmas and Halloween.

  4. You always have the best decorations. I do the pb eggs too, I like them frozen and can eat myself sick on them (hardly ever do that any more, though).

    Hopefully I'll be stopping by more regularly now, life kind of got in the way for a while there, but I've missed your wonderful posts and will have to go back and snoop to see what you have been up to- as I said, you have the most lovely things. :)

  5. such lovely decorations, Happy Easter.

  6. Just bought a bag of Reeses yesterday. Already ate two and I was trying to lose a few. Now I will gain it back. Waaaa! Have a blessed weekend.

  7. Ricki Jill you have so many beautiful collections! Our transitional Easter Egg Hunt! Deviled eggs by my sister Susan. An Easter cake with green colored coconut frosting including a "nest of jelly beans!!

    I hope you will Come and enter my amazing Cross Bottle Guy Giveaway!You will love it! Very very special!

    Art by Karena

  8. 1. My favorite tradition is Easter breakfast at church; the men usually prepare and clean up and it's always delicious.
    2. Our meal is usually turkey, fixings & pie for dessert; 2 of my girls don't like ham. But those 2 are away this year, so I may just change it up and have a delicious ham with pineapple glaze, roasted potatoes, mashed turnip and green beans. Apple and cherry pie a la mode is on the dessert menu.
    3. Yes, I decorate for Easter. I have an Easter tree (a branch cut on Ash Wed which is put in water and is now in bloom). That gets decorated with the eggs the girls made when they were little: and there are a few bunnies put out.
    4. My personal Easter basket is not complete without chocolate marshmallow eggs; the girls like their Reeses eggs.
    5. No, I haven't bought a new Easter dress. But I do have at least 2 dresses in my closet that haven't been worn yet.

    Have a wonderfully, blessed Easter weekend!

  9. i should totally buy an easter dress, but i'm not :( i love your easter plans. i need a reeses egg now!

  10. your decorations are so lovely, but i am not surprised you always decorate so beautifully. My husband will agree on your candy choice. he has had more than his fair share of peanut butter eggs this season. the funny thing is he never buys peanut butter cups, but must have the eggs...and lots of them.

    thanks for linking up!!

  11. I love to go to church but no special dress. When I was small we got a new dress,hat,gloves,shoes and of course a purse. We always have ham,sweet potatoes,relish tray,shrimp salad,sweet bread and a different pie or cake. I love to decorate for each holiday and I also collect Longaberger baskets for the grandchildren to hunt eggs. They come over to decorate the eggs the day before and the colors they mix are bright! I have always used the PB eggs my children think it's not a holiday with out them! Happy Easter.

  12. Sounds like you will have a most awesome Easter!! Enjoy!!

  13. I love your Easter Decorations. Very lovely! Hope you have a blessed Easter at the Lake! Those cross buns look totally to die for. Enjoy!

  14. I need to get some Easter decorations... yours are lovely! Those hot cross buns look delivious. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  15. I might've giggled a little at the "Do you decorate..." question...You? Decorate? Hmmm...maybe! Then I thought of how Mackenzie childs things are typically in colors that could blend very well with Easter! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Just wants to pop in and say HAPPY EASTER to you and your family.

    Hope the bunny treats you well this year.

  17. I agree you must have a Reese's egg! My fav. I think a sunrise service at the lake would be a perfect way to spend Easter Sunday.

  18. RJ, you have such sweet Easter decorations. The MacKenzie Childs is perfect Easter colors. Your weekend plans sounds wonderful.
    Happy Easter

  19. I love dying eggs, too! The kids have such fun with it!

  20. cute Easter decorations!

    have fun at the lake celebrating.

    I hope you have a lovely Easter Sunday!

  21. A blessed and meaningful Holy Week to you and your family too Ricki! And those Reese's, it's my first time to see an Easter Egg edition. We don't have that here in my country.

  22. I love your Easter decorations!!


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