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My Favorite Things Swap

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Before I get to my post, here is a question:  What does:   a storm + a damaged tree + a stump removal crew =


A cut cable.....which =   no.  internet......


Thank heavens for Starbucks and their WiFi!

We have been doing homework there, and emailing papers to be printed to friends.  Our cable should be fixed by 6 PM tonight.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Now to the fun stuff.  Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes is hosting a My Favorite Things Swap, and I was paired with Ginger @ Small Town USA. Ginger knows me well, and she sent me some killer stuff.  It was so much fun opening the surprises....the timing could not have been better because I have had a suckish weekend and week!

Here are the presents.  I love how she numbered them!  :D



Look at all the cool stuff!


1.  Tervis Tumbler which will come in handy this spring!
2.  Pedi Socks!
3.  The Lily Pad!
4.  Easter Baking Cups!
5.  Qtica Intense Lip Repair, just in time for boating season!
6.  Ginger's favorite coffee, hot cocoa and tea!!!  (Tazo makes the *best* tea!)
7.  Dark chocolate!  :D

I love everything Ginger sent me, but these are my favorites because I had never seen anything like them before this swap.


Check this out!  How great is *this*!!!  I will use this everyday.


I am always cold, so I will definitely put this to good use.  I paint my toenails all the time, but not my fingernails due to my art.  


These baking cups are the cutest!  Shanley has found some gluten-free cupcakes she wants to bake during Spring Break, so we will put these to good use.

Thank-you, Ginger, for the care you took in selecting your favorite things that you knew I would love, too.  And thanks to you, Mamarazzi, for hosting such a fun swap.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. The pedi-soks remind of my son's marathon shoes ... cute!
    I need to know where to find those seals, that is fabulous.

    Well, Ricki Jill you received lots of wonderful goodies from your friend ...

    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~

  2. What a fun thing to do. I just saw everything you sent Ginger over at her blog. Like Christmas in March. :o)

  3. Good Evening Riki Jill Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this evening. Love all your goodies that you received. So wonderful. Those socks are just darling. Can't wait to see your cupcakes made in their new papers.

    Sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time with your internet. That is no fun. Spending time at Starbuck's now that was fun I know. Coffee and homework and laughter. I can see you now.

    Here's to hoping the internet service is back up and running about 6pm. Yippppeeeee. Have a glorious evening. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. I am so glad you like everything. The pedi socks are really a great invention!! The Lily Pads, can you even imagine? You can use them in the fridge, microwave, oven, they may replace plastic wrap!!?? Enjoy sweetie, after your week, you deserve something fun! xxoo

  5. What great gifts! They do seem so you - a little fun, a little baking, a little pampering, and a little relaxing. I hope the internet is back up and running soon. It is such a pain not to have it.

  6. Boy that internet situation stinks! I hope its all resolved on time. Love your swap gifts, it must have felt like Christmas!

  7. What wonderful pressies! I've never done a swap before but this looks like fun...especially with our girlfriend, Ginger! She's such a sweetie! ♥♥♥

  8. This is such a fun idea! You got lots of great stuff!

  9. awesome stuff. i think i need one of the lilly pad, brilliant!! a package filled with goodness is always wonderful when the days before were a bit sucktastic!

    thanks for playing. i love what you sent Ginger too! FABULOUS!!

  10. Yay for favorite things swaps! Enjoy all your goodies.

  11. I really feel lost without internet! I love getting gifts form other bloggers, they are jsut as pretty before you open them!

  12. I was wondering what had happened to you. I am glad it wasn't anything too terrible and just more a nuisance. Whew you had me worried.

  13. Very cute things . Glad to hear you are ok and hopefully your internet will be back up soon.

  14. I was just over at Ginger's blog, and was looking at all of her goodies, and wanted to come over and see what she gave you. These are great gifts. The Easter baking cups are perfect for spring. Ginger is one of my favorite bloggy friends. Her sweet smile and positive energy make my day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. How an earth did we survive before we all had internet connections! Hope you are back in the blogsphere very soon.

  16. Well, I know what it is like to be without a computer and I would label it depressing!!! Without a computer I felt like a monk--withdrawn from the world. It is how I keep in touch with my FIL, my kids, my friends and my church. It is how I have my devotions and where I store my recipes. It is also a place of encouragement and a place the substitutes for magazines. It is also where I find how to do things, including hair styles, and crochet stuff and on and on!! Yup, with no computer I feel empty---I hate to say it---but it is so much more work and so alone when I do not have one!

  17. What a great box of goodies! :)
    Do let us know how Shanley's gluten-free cupcakes turn out. I'm going to be trying gf baking, myself, but am nervous about it.

    And I hope the internet gets fixed ASAP. Yikes.

  18. How fun! I also checked out the goodies you sent to two were the perfect match! Aren't surprises fun?
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  19. Hi Ricki Jill - so glad the tree didn't do more damage than your internet! At least you can rationalize an extra trip to Starbucks. :) I paint my toes and not my fingernails, too! Same reasons as you - paint LOVES nail polish, and doing so many things with my hands, the manicures only last a few hours at best! Here's to calm weather for you...

  20. What a nice package! The lid thing looks pretty cool!

  21. Great loot! I've never heard of the lily pad. How well does it work? And I will have to find dark chocolate covered pomegranate! YUM!

  22. Those pedi-socks sound fabulous - I could use a pair as we speak! The package that you received sounds great!


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