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My Happy List #43

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


There is so much to be happy about this week!

My Happy List

1.     Mamarazzi is hosting a Favorite Things Swap, and I am paired with Ginger from Smalltown, USA.  :D  Ginger is going to be fun to shop for, and I always love the prizes she sends me.  Did you see the cool witches ball she gave me for Christmas?  Check it out hereMamarazzi's swaps make me happy!!!


2.     I caught a bad cold last Thursday, and I am sooooooo much better today.  Feeling better is making me so, so happy!

3.     Y'all have made me so happy this week.  Holly has been receiving your cards, letters, and presents in the mail.  She has been touched by your kindness and generosity more than you know.  I have not been down to her house to see her yet because she does not need my cold! Truly, guys, your kindness has humbled me.  Click on the link at the top of my sidebar for more information.

4.     Smart Wool Socks are the best socks on the planet.  It has turned downright cold here in Central Alabama (winter finally arrived), and I am so thankful that I have lots of Smart Wool Socks.  Having warm feet makes me so happy!


5.     Have any of you read Sarah's Key?  Well, guess what book was released today?  Tatiana de Rosnay's latest:  The House I Loved.    :D  I cannot wait to get my copy.  New books by talented writers make me so happy!


Speaking of happy....Happy Valentine's Day!!!  I hope Cupid isn't stupid to you!!!
Join Mamarazzi, and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. great list, my card is off to Holly but it takes about two weeks to make it down into the States from Canada!
    You would think it was brought by dog sled our mail is so slooooooow!

  2. Great happy list! Cannot wait to S.H.O.P. for you for the swap. Love those socks! Hope you shake that cold. Happy Valentines!!

  3. Haha....another book for my list. Thanks! :D
    I'm so happy you and Ginger are paired up....and congrats on getting winter at last (at most importantly on feeling well at last)!

  4. super excited about the swap, love the happy list, loving those socks feet have been freeeeezing the last few days, i could use some cozy socks!

  5. ok, so three things:
    1. i love smart wools...that's all i wear.
    2. i feel bad i didn't get holly's cards to her by valentines day, but now that my mom's gone i'm gonna get on that!
    3. i am so getting that book. sarah's key was one of my favorites! thanks for the update!


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