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My Happy List #42

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Join Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes and share your happy!

My Happy List

1.     In spite of the frenzy and drama in our lives the past week or so, I am very happy.  YOU have made me happy.  Again, thank-you so, so much for your kindness to Holly.  I am humbled by your generosity and kindness, truly.

2.     I am starting my Healthy Living Cooking Class today, and I am so excited!  Learning new things makes me so happy!  I will share more with you later in a week or so.

3.     This is why we live in Alabama.  It is early February, the skies are so blue, and it is 68 degrees.  This weather makes me very happy!  Shelley wanted me to video part of her riding lesson so she could post it on her FB page.  Here is some of the video of Shelley riding Ru:

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. You can beat winter in the South. It was 81 on Sunday.

    Enjoy your class!

  2. We've been having the same weather (well, ok, 58 degrees and sunny) for 4 days and counting, here in Seattle. Everyone is so much happier and mellow and when it rains again tomorrow we'll all be in withdrawal.

    I hope the drama and frenzy subside SOON!

  3. Oh, my daughter loves riding as well. She hasn't been able to do it since she moved to NC--BEEN too pregnant and busy. Although when she was living in Pa she did it even while pregnant--up to a point!

    Some healthy food classes are not always healthy! Hope you do have one that is!

  4. We drove through Alabama in October, made a few stops. Loved it!

  5. oh how i miss the days when J was horseback riding. she loved her lessons.

    so much to be happy about. thanks for linking up!!

  6. Oh how exciting a healthy food cooking class! How wonderful is that!

  7. Lots to be happy about. My husband is trying to convince me to up and move to Alabama lol!

    Blog jogging from Mamarazzi!


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