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Best Valentine Snack!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Day #5:  Valentine's Day Coffee and Truffles

{This was meant to be yesterday's post.}

This post is for you, all of my sweet "bloggy" friends.  I have had a very trying week.  I try to keep my blog positive, but I want you all to know that most of what has transpired has been difficult and unexpected.  My husband is having challenges with his schedule which affects Shelley and me;  we have had neighbors and family in dire need of our help;  Shanley has truly needed me this weekend, plus she  needs help with a Panhellenic project;  Shelley is registering for high school which requires a meeting with HS counselors;  and I have had to attend an art workshop and a healthy living cooking class that were prepaid months ago (otherwise I would have cancelled both).  I have neglected my blog, and I have definitely not had time to visit you. Plus, my computer had to visit the Genius Bar at the Apple Store. This has made me sad and stressed at the same time.  You must know that there is something wrong if I have not posted a Literary Friday Post!  

I want to thank you for your overwhelming generosity and kindness in writing to Holly.  If you want more information, please click on the link at the top of my sidebar.  You are all such special, loving ladies.  You are a blessing to me as well as Holly.  Because I love each and every single one if you, I wish I could invite you over for some Valentine's Day coffee: Chocolate Raspberry Kiss.  And if that is not enough chocolate for you, how about some Lindor chocolate raspberry truffles?  I truly wish you all lived close to me and could have coffee or tea with me.  We would have so much fun chatting away!





I set a place just for you!  :D

Please be patient with me.  I will visit you as soon as I can.  You are all so special to me, and I look forward to seeing all the fun projects and things you've been up to lately.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I am thinking of you Ricki Jill. I hope things get less hectic for you. Hang in there!


  2. Thinking of you and Holly and Shanley. Hope things are better for everyone very soon. Sending love and positive thoughts to you. I sure wish I was close enough to stop by for that cup of coffee and a truffle. They both look very tasty! xxoo

  3. Things get so crazy sometimes! We are doing so much in our community that we have meetings and events every day for a couple of weeks! I hope you get to do the things you want and need to do, my friend! Don't worry about us! BIG HUGS! ♥♥♥

  4. Those are adorable dishes! Best of luck getting through the hectic times.

  5. Take a deep breath... one day at a time... this too shall pass. These are things I've been telling myself! I had a very long weekend as well and glad it is another day.

    Thanks for the coffee and truffles, exactly what I needed!

  6. I hope everything calms down for you soon! I'm here because I want to be here and it doesn't matter one bit if you have the time to visit me or not. We all know that life can get very hectic from time to time. Do what you have to do, take care of what you have to take care of and try not to stress.

    I'd love to sit down for a cup of tea with you! Take care.

  7. My God, I again saw your beautiful and inviting table Ricki. You are just the best!

  8. Anything Lindt is yummy. Sorry tohear you are stressed right now-take your time and it will be allright. Sending some hugs your way,

  9. Ricki Jill,
    So far you've had three wonderful posts that I can totally relate to. Lindor truffles are my son's favorites, and every now and then I will surpirse him with them. Aren't they the best? I've never had the chocolate rasberry truffles...yum. Like you said, I wish I lived close by so I could have coffee or tea with you too.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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