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We Want to Know Wednesday #14

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This week's questions are from Crazymama, and I like their randomness!  :D

{1} What is your most commonly used word or phrase when you are frustrated?

"Shootfiddles!" and "Crapola!" are the two most common.

"This is not a democracy.  I am a benevolent dictator, and you must do as I say!"

{2} What random question do you usually get from strangers or casual acquaintances?

"Will you be my life coach?"   :/

{3} Did you ever correspond by mail with anyone, who? Do you still have the letters?

Yes.  And I do still have the letters  ;P

{4} Do you dance in public? why or why not?

Yes, much to my children's dismay.

{5} What is your favorite kind of chapstick/lip balm?


This one is my favorite.


This one is nice, but it is twice the price as the other two listed, but I have received it as a gift.


This is my daughter's favorite.  She swears by it!  It is $12, and for her to spend her money on it, it must be worth it because she is very frugal, and she has very tender lips.

Join Crazymama, Queso, and Mamarazzi every Wednesday for We Want To Know Wednesday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Fun questions! I especially like your answers to #1. The "benevolent dictator" phrase cracks me up!

  2. Good morning Ricki Jill - thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit at mamas*little*treasures. I love your blog! You are an artist I see, so of course we have an immediate heart connection ;0) I would love to have you do a guest post on my blog, and if you have a minute, please also visit our community at I'm off to check out your art work right now! Have a great Wednesday, Nina @ mamas*little*treasures

  3. I've always wanted to try one of the more expensive lip balms but never have. The last one looks like it'd be good.

  4. Love those little sayings! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. I might have to appropriate the benevolent Dictator line.

  6. I love Aveda products, Ricky Jill - I use the hand cream, hair products, and some of the makeup. Great stuff. I enjoyed your post and wish I'd used the benevolent dictator line with my kids. Too late now!

  7. Awesome dictator line.

    Wow where do you buy those brands of lipbalm i need to try them.

    Thanks for linking up and answering my randomness

  8. Shootfiddles is my new favorite word. Thanks! :)

  9. I love it! made me smile...and I'm so with you on the word's in my vocabulary for sure!

    have a good one darling!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  10. I don't think anyone wants to know what I say when I am frustrated! lol!


  11. oh i bet you would make a great life coach, just from what i know about you via your blog you seem very together and like you are REALLY living your life beautifully!

    thanks for linking up, love your YOU!!

  12. Oh and when my daughters were younger, they used to make fun of me because I said H..E.. double hockey sticks.

  13. $12 is a lot to pay of some lip balm... especially since I'm always losing my chapstick!


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