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My Happy List #35

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In spite of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, I am very happy!  :D

Miss Angie is hosting for Mamarazzi, and I hope you will join her and share you happy.

My Happy List

1.     All Christmas decorations are up except for the tree, which will be decorated Wednesday evening.  Decorating for Christmas makes me very happy!


2.     Cyber Monday + Book Deals + Coupons make me very happy!  :D  Check out my new books!


3.     Speaking of books, IT IS DECEMBER 6th!!!  Which means the Cassandra Clare's highly anticipated second book in the Infernal Devices series, Clockwork Prince, is released today! *squee*  I have not been this happy about a book's release in a very long time.  You might want to visit Mundie Moms today because there will probably be lots of fun things going on over there today.  I love that blog for YA books!

4.     I saw a beautiful plate today when I had lunch with Ellen.  It was hand-painted with Luke 2:14 on it with a lovely home decorated for Christmas on it. I could not afford it, but it made me so happy seeing it and being reminded of the scripture!

Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, goodwill toward men.

Luke 2:14

5.     I am still happy for my team, the Alabama Crimson Tide!  If you missed my post on Sunday, the Crimson Tide has a second shot at LSU for the National Championship Title. ROLL TIDE!


What has made you happy lately?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Decorating the tree with my family and looking at all of our special ornaments made me happy!

  2. Looking forward to having my family together Christmas morning! What a lot of fun we have!


  3. Decorating for the holidays makes me happy too:) Also sweet comments like the one you left me!! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Such a happy post. I kinda needed that right now. Thanks for picking me up.

  5. YAY! I think I'll put up Christmas decor tonight or tomorrow! I want to take pictures and post about it! :)

    And yay for deals on books! I picked up Ophelia and another shakespeare spin off historical fiction that I can't remember the name of for like $2 each on Amazon just before Black Friday. It was awesome!

    Thanks for linking up!

  6. Hi little RJ! This time of year just makes me happy! Thankful for all Jesus did for me! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Aw, you just made my day! Thank you so much for including my blog on your happy list. You just made me happy :)

    I love decorating for Christmas! It makes me so happy too.


  8. It's always a good idea to take stock of what you're grateful for and your happy list certainly does that. Sounds like you have a lot of good things on that list.

  9. Simple things that never fail to make us happy. It's been a while since I last visited your blog Ricki. I'm glad to be back enjoying your posts. :)

  10. Funny sort of random list but I am so very happy you are so very happy.

  11. Great things to be happy about! :D

  12. Hi , Lots makes me happy this time of year.
    Everyone at my table, singing to the christmas tunes, baking cookies!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. I've been addicted to YA fiction lately, too! I'll have to check out that website!


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