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2011 Goals Revisited

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here are the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.  I accomplished three out of the five.  I am quite pleased, actually.  You can read my original post here.

My 2011 Goals:

1.     Fluffing my daughter's dorm room:  check!  You can read all about my daughter's dorm room here.


2.     Converting our living room to an art studio:  check!  I am enjoying it so much, and so is Shelley!  It is one of the smartest things we have done to our home.  Here is a link to the post about our studio.


3.     Learn how to bake brioche:  epic.  fail.....   I did not accomplish this goal, but I must say in my defense that my doctor put me on a gluten free diet, so it seemed almost cruel to learn how to bake it.



4.     Remodel our master bathroom:  Not.  Even.  Close.... but we have not had the time this year for such a major project.  Maybe it will be a goal for 2012!

5.     Decoupage a large vase for our coffee table:  Check!  You can read about this fun project here.


I have not written any goals for 2012 yet.  I have a few ideas, and I think I shall think about them next week.  Do you set goals or make resolutions every year?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This is the time of year to take stock of our achievements and consider our goals for the future.
    3 out of 5 ain't bad!

  2. I don't set them, because I don't like breaking them...LOL!!! I do have goals in mind though! So glad you made 3 of 5...that's good!!!
    Merry Christmas Ricki Jill!

  3. well I think you did well on your list, I have no list made, never even thought of setting goals, but it does sound like a good idea,, sometimes I need a timeline, i work well under presure, I would like to take this time to thank you for all the lovely comments you have made on my blog, I have really enjoyed getting to know you through blog land, Happy Holidays to you and your beautiful family!

  4. Very awesome. Very very! :) I love her dorm room!

  5. I always have goals set, not just at new years.

    Love your vase!

  6. Well, I'd say you did a great job of accomplishing the tasks on your list! Maybe there's an alternative grain from which to make a tasty brioche. :) Or, maybe you've lost a few pounds, feel better and brioche is no match for that! I do look forward to reading your new list, which reminds me: I need to figure out MY list, too!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  7. I used to set goals..but learned to take it one day at a time. In my long term memory bank, I have stored a few things I would like to do..I think about them every now and then..but they long to be just thoughts! Wishing you a great New Year to accomplish either new goals or the ones from the past!..Merry Christmas!

  8. Yes, I always set goals at the beginning of the year! It's nice to have things to work towards and it's rewarding when you accomplish some of them! Happy holidays my friend! ♥

  9. Ricki Jill I'm glad you posted this list as I had missed some of your accomplishments while I was away. I was especially glad to read about your studio that you finished and have been enjoying. It looks fantastic and is such a good use of your space. I'm glad you are a neat-nick though as it is quite open to the rest of the house.

  10. I love your daughter's room Ricki and actually your entire house :) there's another year to accomplish everything and i'm happy to witnessthat through your blog. Merry Christmas!


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