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My Happy List #28

Saturday, October 1, 2011


My Happy List

1.   My daughter is home from college this weekend.  Spending time with Shanley Belle makes me very happy!!!  *squee*  We are going to a movie and watching the Alabama football game on TV tonight, Roll Tide!

2.   I won!  I won the neatest prizes from Glitter Tart Designs. I entered Caroline's giveaway during the Practical Magic Blog Party.  Getting neat prizes in the mail makes me very happy!!!


3.   Speaking of prizes, I am participating in my very first ever Blog Swap sponsored by Miss Angie and Beth.  And guess what!?!?!?  Mamarazzi, the hostess of my very favorite blog party (My Happy List) is my partner!!!  :D   I cannot wait to begin shopping for her Monday.  Shopping for fun stuff makes me happy!


4.   Do you remember Quisp cereal?  I loved their commercials because they were made by the same creative team behind the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.  Remembering fun things from my childhood and sharing them with my kids makes me very happy indeed!


5.   My sweet friend, Willow, from My Irish Cottage made me my signature you can see below. Bloggy friends who share make me so very happy! Thanks so much, Willow.

This is the last Saturday that Mamarazzi will host My Happy List because she is moving the party to Tuesday beginning October 11th.  I hope she will have more participation during the week because many of you do not blog on the weekend.

Until next time...




  1. Sono felice per te che tua figlia รจ a casa per il fine settimana.Baci e buona domenica,Rosetta

  2. So happy to hear that your daughter is home this weekend! I love your new signature AND I will be happy to join you for a Tuesday party. I will be looking forward to October 11th!!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. So fun to have her home Thanks for sharing... Come over to my blog at oatmeal and whimsy to see my latest battle with nature!!!

  4. Stopping by from Happy List Link up!

    I have never heard of that cereal before .... I love little presents in the mail too!

  5. I always LOVE your fun and happy list! And I would love to make one...hopefully Tuesdays will be better for me, too! Thanks and enjoy your weekend! ♥

  6. Your blog post made me *happy*!!!! Here's something funny, as well...I haven't heard the word "pun..ny" (as you posted on my blog) in many, many years but strangely, about an hour ago I was talking to my daughter about her friend who uses a lot of puns...and I said...."she's pun..ny"!! LOL Great minds think alike! Have great fun with Shanley!! xoxo

  7. oh...and my oldest daughter Taylor was accepted to Alabama!! EEEEEEE!

  8. I remember Quisp! Talk about a blast from the past. Enjoy the weekend with your daughter!

  9. O, Ricki Jill, you do have the most upbeat and sweet spirit. I love coming over here. :))

  10. Enjoy your college girl! Your post makes me wish my daughter could come for a visit soon, too. :)

  11. i am sooooo excited that we are partners...i finished shopping today and i am wrapping things up tomorrow!! so. much. fun.

    Thanks for linking up...My Happy List is moving to Tuesdays starting October 11. I REALLY hope you will continue to play, i know how much you love this!! i also hope more people will join in too...did you see the cute NEW button? LOVE!!

  12. Hi Ricki! You are such a lucky girl :) Enjoy the weekend with your family.

  13. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your daughter. I haven't thought about Quisp in years. Is it back on the market?

  14. What a wonderful party, I am going to hop on over there and see what it's all about because I love all of your "favorite things"

    So glad you like the giveaway and thank you so much for including it in your list today it made me smile!

    Have a great weekend with your daughter!

  15. I loved Quisp as a kid!
    I remember finding a box back several years ago.... in a lark, and brought it home to share with my children too.

    Please tell me, Ricki Jill... did you paint the still life on your masthead?
    OMG.... unbelievable. And mouth watering too!

    Love it.

  16. Wonderful list!
    I hope you and Shanley had a marvelous time!!

  17. Spending time with my family makes me happy. And shopping - that's always fun!! I don't remember the cereal Quisp. Cheerios and Cornflakes was the cereal I used to eat as a kid. I always like your 'Happy' posts because they make me happy too.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  18. Tuesday works better for me too so hopefully I'll be able to catch up with all of you more often. Hope you've had a fantastic weekend with Shanley Belle!

  19. Hope you had a fun weekend with your daughter! Congrats on your win:@)

  20. Hi Ricki, just found you through blog hopping. I have to ask you, what is your full name? Is Ricki a nick name for something? Bet you would never guess what my full name is?! Take care, Riki

  21. I know you will Enjoy every minute with your beautiful daughter

  22. Love your kitty signature! Enjoy your time with your daughter.. :)

  23. Enjoy your daughter! & her visit. Time flits too quickly. What lovely gifts, Ricki Jill & that signatures is the cat's meow. I've met Willow personally, she is an absolute gem.

    TTFN ~
    Have a beautiful week ~

  24. Enjoy your daughter! & her visit. Time flits too quickly. What lovely gifts, Ricki Jill & that signatures is the cat's meow. I've met Willow personally, she is an absolute gem.

    TTFN ~
    Have a beautiful week ~

  25. Congrats on the win, Ricki Jill. :)

    I hope you had a great weekend with your daughter.

    I've been meaning to check out that Happy List. Once things settle down here, I'll be able to participate with ya!

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  26. I have never heard of that cereal. Maybe we did not have it out in the west. I love things from childhood too. Hubby always has to have Boo-Berries that come out each Fall. Sounds like a good weekend for you all. Start of my very busy week. I miss summer and free time.

  27. That's a nice happy list. How you're enjoying time with your daughter.

  28. Glad you had a great weekend and got to see your daughter! Shanley Belle is such a pretty name. I have never heard of Quisp but may need to buy some if I spot some! ;)

  29. Yay..wonderful post....lovely about your daughter and your special time! And hooray..congrats on all your goodies, beautiful! Enjoy!


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