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Fresh Cut Friday: Marigolds

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Please join Liz at Rose Vignettes for Fresh Cut Friday.  This month, Liz is featuring marigolds. You can read Liz's very informative post here.

Interestingly, I am reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  In the book, the main character, Victoria, enjoys learning about flowers and their language the Victorians used to communicate sentiment. Victoria states that a bouquet of marigolds symbolizes grief.

I put together a fall-ish bouquet with greens, oranges, and yellows.  It features roses, hydrangeas, and yellow gerber daisies.




What types of flowers do you use in your fall arrangements?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. hhmmmmm probably mums and gerbers mostly... just because they are so easy to find at the grocery store. :) Grief?...I didn't read that one. Interesting... I really have learned a lot by doing this FCF thing! :) Your bouquet is perfect! AND your at the beginning of the party! :) Thank you for joining in!!! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I came to say I enjoyed your flowers....but I have to tell you I love the pumpkins in your header!! Fabulous!

  3. Lovely creamy yellows and oranges in your bouquet. I had no idea marigolds symbolized grief - sort makes you look at them in a different light. I usually use mums at this time of year.

  4. Love your new header, for fall, the white pumpkins are lovely! The flowers are georgours! This weekend is our arts and crafts, so I've been super busy! Creating.. I love hydrangeas and sunflowers most! Your mix is lovely!

  5. Again, I have another view of your lovely home. We don't really get fresh flowers at home. But most of the time I prefer yellow and white roses, tulips and hydrangenas too.

  6. These are beautiful! I'm joining up beginning next month. Thanks for letting me know about Fresh Cut Fridays! Are you hosting What We're Reading this month? I wanted to put a reminder out there soon. Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi, i read the same book 2 months a go. And i was surprised about a lot of flowers and what they mean.
    Peony roses for example.
    I love gerbers and dahlia's. They have such beautiful colours. Love your flowers btw.


  8. I always use a lot of bright orange (mostly Mums) in my arrangements! I just adore the pumpkins in your header!!


  9. So pretty Ricki Jill! I love the hydrangeas! :)

  10. Love the pretty colors of your flowers, they look great-enjoy:@)

  11. Your arrangement looks very pretty!

    For a fall arrangement, I use Dahlias, mums, and aster because that's what's still blooming in my yard.

  12. Beautiful bouquet. I'm a sedum kinda gal. I love autumn joy.

  13. I'm visiting from Fresh-Cut Friday. Love the colors in your arrangement. I love using hydrangeas.

  14. I didnt have a post this Fresh Cut Friday and have been so busy. I use any and all flowers I can get my greedy hands on! LOL...each week our design florist would go to the wholesale flower market in Boston to gather our flowers for class..can you imagine a room of 20 crazies all running to help her carry in buckets of flowers, all kinds..I love,love your selection..

  15. Hmm, I just tried to leave you a comment but it wouldn't "stick". Hopefully this one will.
    The colors in your bouquet are so pretty. I especially love the hydrangeas.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. Your bouquet is beautiful. Our hydrangeas are done but the ones I didn't cut back have turned a pretty color. I will use those in dried arrangements. I never understood marigolds as a summer flower due to their fall color, so I never plant them.
    I spray dried hydrangea for use at Christmas in centerpieces. I love them!

    I could read that circus book. I never liked magicians as I want to know HOW they do it! :)
    But that Christmas book in your sidebar looks interesting. I have never heard of the author.

  17. No flower arrangements....the cats don't leave them alone! I still have my gerbera daisies and geraniums outside my windows, though!
    I do have some berry garlands that I place way. up. high. and out of reach.
    Your header looks beautiful! As do the rest of the fall decorations!

  18. That hydrangea is beautiful. My fall arrangements are just whatever is left blooming. I still have pink zinnias and sedum. Other than that everything is about gone. I wish I had a tree with turning leaves but I don't. I'd love to bring in some tree branches. I'd have to steal from the neighbor and I don't have the nerve!

  19. Beautiful floral arrangement! Never knew marigold signifies grief. I find it so interesting to know about the Victorian meaning of different flowers. I spot the gorgeous hydrangea in your pretty arrangement. I love hydrangeas. Visiting from the Fresh-cut Friday party. Love your header picture.Thanks for sharing!~Poppy

  20. Mums, Mums and Mums this time of year. Love your header. Your glass pumpkins are so very elegant.


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