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Power Lunch

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It is difficult for moms to remain creative while packing school lunches.  I have found some wonderfully inspiring blog posts on the subject, and one topic that always comes-up is using more environmentally-friendly packaging.

I am looking at a few tiffins to consider for my daughter's lunch.  I have found several cute options, and I want to share these with you.


Tiffin from What a Girl Needs


Tiffin from Happy Tiffin


You can find this tiffin and other prints from John Lewis


Tiffin from ModCloth Apartment



The two tiffins above are from Uncommon Goods.


This tiffins is made by MacKenzie-Childs via eBay.  And, no, I would not buy it for Shelley to take to school, but I think it is adorable with the pink and white stripes!

My only concern is that they would occupy too much space in Shelley's locker.  I might need to see her locker when it is full of her books and binders before making my final decision.  Should I buy one short and squat or tall and not as wide?  Decisions, decisions!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. all great choices-i really love the first one, it makes me happy.

  2. Ya a little clunky is what my kids would say. My kids do however love those bento boxes. Now for you the MC one would be perfect.

  3. Gosh it is SO hard to come up with new lunch ideas. I really like the two by uncommon goods. They look like they wouldn't take up too much space. Oh and I love the new header for your blog, so cheerful! :))

  4. Good morning Ricki Jill! Hope you had a real nice blog break. Wow o wow...I love all these lunchboxes, and how fancy are they. I'd like to take the Mackenzie Childs lunchbox to my work! Oh and I love love love how you've prepared your daughter's dorm room. You are mom extraordinaire!

  5. OOO they are all too cute.
    I would have a hard time waiting to buy them :)

    I remember carrying a lunch box until jr high.
    then it was considered childlike so everyone used brown paper bags. I would have gladly carried one of these with me instead, lol.

  6. they are all cute Ricki! I love the first one. But true, I once used this type of lunch boxes and I find them bulky. I agree with Elaine, why not consider the bento boxes as an option.

  7. Love the first one, but i think it is to big, if i am thinking at my highschool locker and my bookbag, it was really full, and my sandwiches were always in tin foil, so it will fit my bag and they were always folded and dented.

  8. I love the first two...very cute. Check out Shelley's locker and consider if she wants to carry it or put something in her book bag. My girls ate like birds in school so they needed very little reusable bags. She might want to see what the other kids are using.


  9. Too cute!!! Just love the first one, but all so unique and fun! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  10. These are all so cute! I know my 8th grader's locker is very narrow. With her books & sports bag, I don't think this would ever work for her, but it is a great (& cute) idea.

  11. Can I have one for myself? Love them.

  12. I LOVE all of these..they are all so retro and cool!!!!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls

  13. These are so adorable! I have never seen this!
    I don't think my boy would go for this! How fun having a girl!!

  14. What darling lunch boxes! I have never seen any like this, they look so vintage! I still have negative thoughts of "brown bag" lunches for school. We always had a brown bag, with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips, a piece of fruit, some cookies, and a juice box. I still am not real crazy about pb&j. When I hit high school I got a thermos and I would cook potatoes in the microwave before school, and pack them in the thermos for lunch. I love baked potatoes, and all my friends were jealous when they were eating their pb&j! :) Glad to have you back by the way!

  15. Lucky Shelley to have a mom with a sense of style :)

  16. So glad to see you back..hope you are rested and ready to go. :)
    I've never seen such cute things to carry a lunch in.

  17. Hmmm, I pack a lunch for my husband every day. No way would he be subjected to carrying any of these. I'm not sure a child would carry them either, they look like something their mom would carry to work perhaps for her own lunch. I vote for the old clunky zippered soft bags with a strap on them. These are VERY cute... just not sure cute cuts the mustard so to speak.

  18. Those are such cute tiffin boxes. They used plain stainless steel ones in Bangladesh although I never saw them for sale. They also referred to snack and lunch time as tiffins - very cute. I hadn't heard the term before going.

    By the way, I'm curious as to what the book was that was set at the Red Fort in Delhi - sounds like a good one for me to read.


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