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Fresh Cut Friday: Gladiolus

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I know, I know....I am late to the Fresh Cut Friday Party Liz is hosting @ Rose Vignettes, but we were our of town, so I waited until today to post.

The flower of the month is gladiola, and Liz wrote an impressive post about this flower.  I enjoyed reading it, and you will, too!

Gladiola are expensive around here, so I bought three coral gladiolus stems and mixed them with less expensive pink carnations and alstroemeria.


I mixed the coral and pink to match the table runner I bought on sale at Pier1 ($9.98, originally $34.95).  Score!


Please visit Liz @ Rose Vignettes for some pretty flower arrangements.


Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Very pretty runner Jill and love the flowers!

  2. So pretty! The flowers really lighten up the atmosphere in your home. :)

  3. Very pretty! I love gladiolas. I keep telling myself I need to plant some.

  4. So gorgeous. What a neat idea for a party. I would like to have fresh cut flowers in my house at all times.

  5. I love glads. Yours are such a pretty color. They grow well here. I should plant some. I'll add them to the list.

  6. I'm back, I love your header too and the ceramic pieces are gorgeous...what are they? I've seen you before Ricki, visiting me and vice versa. I can see why you liked my header, it's like your style!!

  7. Sweet! I love your bargain runner. Isn't that funny! I thought that they were kind of pricey to. $3.50 a stem... and that is in season. They did last a long time though... I'm so glad you were able to join in. :) I love your posts. :)

    Have a great week!

  8. You certainly did "score", how pretty! Love the flowers. I love glads too!


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