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Art Studio Details

Monday, August 8, 2011

I want to thank all of you for your sweet comments and emails about our art studio.  We are enjoying it so much, and I wanted to share with you some of the details in the room.


I am using a flower frog vase to help dry my small brushes, and a Winsor & Newton brush holder for my larger brushes.


I love this little vase finial on top of the floor lamp.  I moved some of my favorite items from around the house in here.


Shelley chose this lampshade for the lamp Mr. Art @ Home made for us.  I think she did a great job!


I do not think I will sell this painting because I learned so much while painting it.


Some of you asked to see inside the armoire.  Our art supplies are organized now!


One of the bottom drawers holds small canvases.


Detail of the Tiny Table.  The top is a real palette used to decorate furniture at the MacKenzie-Childs factory in Aurora, New York.


We went with ottomans opposite the settee.  We did not need chairs with backs while working.


Only my favorite books are in this room.  I also have some small paintings from local artists displayed on the book shelves.


This is our inspiration board.  It is being held by a tabletop easel I bought almost twenty years ago from Exposures.  I will tack photos I am working from on it if I am not working from an image on my laptop.  Sometimes I use my own photographs or images from magazines.  It fits neatly beside the bookshelf when not in use.


Our zinc-topped work table is perfect because it is easily cleaned, and it is smooth for Shelley's drawings.


You can read more about our art studio here.


Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It looks like a lovely place to work. :)

  2. You have so many beautiful touches throughout the room! LOVE that work table...I have a table for laying our projects! A must have! ♥

  3. Oh my what a beautiful space to create in. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a fantastic room filled with creative and inspiring things! You did such a great job with this studio, I'm inspired to make my own writing room someday. Thank you for sharing this with us! :D

  5. Hello Ricki! Everything is so beautiful. I love them. I hope on your succeeding posts, we'll see the members of your happy family in your room. :)

  6. I promised I would call by and catch up as soon as I returned to computing after spending quality time off line last week. So here I am I just love the finished room it is very smart for an art studio! How exciting that you got to meet Bonnie, meeting virtual friends is just like linking up with pen friends in the days before we all had computers.

  7. Your studio is amazing! I love all the colorful and creative touches. I also love that you have a dedicated space to encourage art. :)

    Now, where do you sell your paintings?

  8. You really have a lovely studio...everything is so neat and orderly! I am sure that helps the creative process. Your paintings are beautiful!


  9. Your art studio is amazingly beautiful Ricki Jill! So inspirational, especially the colors and details you picked. I'm sure you'll be creating magical works of art in there with your lovely daughter. Enjoy it!

  10. Carino il tuo angolo studio!Buona settimana,Rosetta

  11. Thanks for showing the pretty details in your studio! Everything is so pretty and so neat and organized! My compliments!

  12. such a calm pretty place to work in,,

  13. Oh, I do enjoy seeing all the little details! That palette top table is a treasure. It's so unusual. I love the zinc top table & your inspiration board too.

  14. Okay...that painting you don't want to sell! WOW! Talk about some advanced techniques! I can't believe how you captured something so difficult to photograph, much less paint. Mercury glass and that decantur--you have mastered painting light--stand aside Thomas Kinkade....I'm an art snob and this is some of the absolute best portrayal of clear and reflective surfaces. Period.

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  15. Oh Ricki Jill this all looks so beautiful. Love the easel/inspiration board, the MC palette!!--what a treat, the lamp made by your hubby. I love it all!

    PS Also glad to hear that zinc table works well. I saw it in Ballard and loved it.

  16. Ricki Jill where did you find the zinc table and the beautiful ottomans?

    Art by Karena


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
