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Thursday, July 28, 2011


Last night, I had a book club meeting.  The planter above was on our hostess's neighbor's front lawn. This is in a very pretty neighborhood, and everything about their front garden was stunning except for the toilet.  I think it is whimsical, and the homeowner must have a fun personality.  I am not making fun of it;  I am not that way.  But I did smile.  :D

I would love to read the letters from the HOA to this home owner.  If this planter happened to be in our front yard or elsewhere in our neighborhood (which is very comparable: same part of town, same schools, same home sizes, styles, etc.), the HOA would have already placed a lien on the property!

I am linking to Fishtail Cottage's Cottage Flora Thursday because I know that Tracie has a sense of humor!

This week has been swamped with meetings, dental and eye appointments, middle school registration, out of town company, and running errands for back to school and college.  If I have not visited your blog yet, please give me until the end of the weekend to get caught-up.  I have missed seeing what y'all are posting!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That is just too funny! Cannot believe this is in a yard in that area! It does make you smile and the plants look very healthy!! :D

  2. That is hilarious! Some people really do have "creative" ideas. ;D

  3. I plant in a lot of strange containers...this one I could not do...

  4. Molto originale questo portapianta!!!Baci,Rosetta

  5. My hubby keeps threatening to do this! He always has old toilets to get rid of. He has threatened to take one of the antique toilets and put it in our front yard. I always think the old claw foot tubs look great with flowers spilling out of them!
    Thanks for the laugh!

  6. Very funny! Love it! If they want that in their front yard, good for them!

    That is EXACTLY why we don't live where there is a home owners association. Not that we have a potty in the front yard, but no one is going to tell me what I can or can't put out there or what I can plant or if I can fly a flag.... I remember a friend's house where she showed me six tomato plants that she said she had to hide along her back fence because no vegetable gardening was allowed. I would go out of my mind in a place like that!!!!!!!

  7. I looks like something I would do. :)

  8. Well, it certainly is humorous and I like it! This is why I don't like to live in neighborhoods with HOA's, they're a pain in the butt (ha!ha!)

  9. Well, it does make you smile! And at least there are lots of green plants in it!

  10. I am all for making almost anything a planter but toilets? Not so much.Hope your week is going well.

  11. I'm not sure I'd want the toilet on my front lawn, but I love anything with the word 'SMILE' on it.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. This is the best toilet ever:) I like the idea of this and might even do that if I had a extra toilet.

  13. This is just too weird! I can think of a lot of better things to plant flowers in!


  14. HA! Was it very visible? or tucked off to a side?

  15. I love the idea of the planter. hahaha it made me laugh too.

  16. LOL! I love it!!

    I actually have an old style wringer washer on my front porch. I want to paint it up and put some flowers in it. Can't wait to move and do that. :)

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  17. Maybe this is a poke at the HOA. I have never heard of a HOA here in my part of the world but certainly seen references to it in the US.
    Certainly would make you smile!

  18. How funny! I bet it could be done up for fall decorations too! What fun for a Halloween prank.

  19. That's hilarious. Must confess that I wouldn't be happy if I lived next door.

  20. It seems fitting for "The Help" coming out soon!

  21. Ha! Oh, if walls could talk! Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's last week! Hope to see you again this upcoming week! xoxo, tracie


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