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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blogger is driving me batty!


I am really trying to remain positive.  I truly appreciate the services offered by Blogger.  I have enjoyed the blogging experience, and I love my gmail account, too.

However, Blogger has misplaced two of my buttons.  One took me over two hours to make, so I have decided not to host the honeysuckle (color) party because I don't feel like making a new button.

Also, Blogger borrowed my followers for a few days, and then returned them. However, my feed (for several blogs) is messed up.  I have no idea how long this has been going on, but if I follow you and I have not visited your blog in awhile, please email me!  I want to know, and I would like to fix this!

Pardon my rant, but my Blogger account is still not right.


~Ricki Jill


  1. Oh how I know what you mean about blogger. It seems almost everyone is having problems. I wish you luck on yours.

  2. Hope you get your problems fixed soon Ricki. It has been my experience that blogger taketh and blogger giveth back with time! (no guarantees)

  3. Oh my G it has been a mess!!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my amazing 250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter!

  4. I have had the same issues,, and I don't know what I'm doing have the time,, I hope you get things corrected soon,, my problems have worked themselves out I think,,hope yours do too!Have a good afternoon,

  5. Bloggers issues seem to continue... sorry you are having problems. My followers box was missing last week for several days too- but its there now, so maybe things are getting back in order! Hope your buttons come back too!

  6. grrrr...I hear ya girl. It was and still is happening. I have stepped away now, and just come on in spurts. Hope they fix it soon.

  7. Hey Ricki, I think we all are having trouble with blogger right now. It is quite annoying. hang in there-hopefully things are getting better.

  8. I bet it's darling! Thanks for the compliment!

  9. Oh Ricki lol sorry but those two photos are so funny!! I know how frustrated you are having gone through blog problems as well! I wonder why it keeps taking your button? My follower list was gone for a few days too.
    Hope it gets better but so many blogs are still having issues!!

  10. I am so sorry that you have had this challenge with blogger. It seems like so many people have had to deal with this. I hope it all gets straightened out real soon.If you get a chance I would love for you to enter my eco friendly giveaway.

  11. That first pic is too funny! I'm sorry about the blogger problems....I've been having issues too!

    Hope you're having a great day!


  12. I'm your newest follower (Visting from Sunny Simple Life). You had me at the Bat Dog!
    Jill =)

  13. *shakes fist at Blogger*
    It better wise up soon!

  14. I think Blogger is on a mission to drive all of us crazy!

  15. oh no! I'm sorry this is happening. I haven't noticed any issues lately but I'm not as good a commenter as you are :)

  16. Thank you for the warm comments you left in my blog. I am also experiencing glitches in my own account. My blog feed is a bit messed up too. I saw blogs which I didn't follow in my feed. How about that? Hopefully Blogger will resolve this issue. I don't want to transfer and rebuild another blog in another platform.

  17. Oh, I know, it just seems like nothing is right when blogger is screwed up. We all lost our followers this last weekend and then they returned. Debbie Doo just posted today that she is still having problems too


  18. Oh no say it isn't so. Not again. I thought we might have a break for a while.

  19. Really, how hard can it be, Blogger brains? I lost my comment box last week. Grrrrr.


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