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Thursday, June 9, 2011


{The Culprit}

I found four fleas on my sweet Westie angel, Bonnie.  I bet they had friends I could not see.

{I have been hysterical.}

Bonnie is almost eight years old, and she has not had fleas....not ever.  I have used Frontline since she was weeks old.  Religiously.  According to Bonnie's vet, the fleas are worse this year because we had a wet spring followed by extreme dry and hot conditions unusual for June.  The clinic has received tons of calls about fleas.

As most of you know, I am borderline OCD.  I will Tilex you if you stand still long enough in my house.

I had Bonnie bathed, dipped, and sprayed yesterday.  Chemical was put on my lawn as well. Plus I gave her a dose of Comfortis.  The inside of the house has been bombed, and Sears is on their way to steam clean all carpets even as I type.

The exterminator is coming tomorrow to spray inside the house (again, just to be sure). Bonnie's vet also suggested that we use 20 Mule Team Borax on our carpet and hardwoods. Sprinkle the Borax on the carpet, and work it into the fibers with a broom (make sure your carpet is colorfast first).  Also sprinkle it on your hardwoods and work it around the room with a Swiffer sweeper cloth.  Vacuum 24 hours later, but try to keep small children and pets away from the heavier applied areas.

I have already tried this.  It passed the white sock test:  no fleas in sight.  So far, I have not seen any more fleas.


{The Solution}

*BUT*  our exterminator will be back in two weeks just to make sure.  Those guys love me  :/

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. well I feel better to know that there is another person who reacts such as I,, we aren't crazy,, we're just very careful people,,my heart goes out to you,, been there,, done this,, lol (I didn't mean you were crazy) my kids call me crazy)I just have a few issues with dirt, clutter and bugs,, and germs,, and,,,, oh well you get the picture,, I love your little dog,, so sweet,, when this happened to our little dog he was allergic to fleas,, got a rash all over,, he reacted to a couple fleas as a dog would react to 100's,,I guess my issues rubbed off on him,

  2. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Fleas are bad. I am faithful with the frontline on our dog, I am so paranoid about fleas. Good luck.

  3. Poor Bonnie! I hate fleas. Luckily where I live in Semi Arid region I don't get fleas. I am a big believer in Borax have been for 36 years. Used to soak my baby's diapers in borax solution. They always turned out so white and sweet smelling.

  4. Cara Ricki mi dispiace,anch'io quando avevo il cane usavo Fronteline ed era efficace.Spero che tutto si risolvi per il meglio,Sei una donna molto attenta,fortunato il tuo cane e la tua famiglia!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Wow you are OCD. Kidding. It is a battle here because we have two cats and they can be flea bags. We bathe them once a month and use Frontline and the dogs get bathed more often and then Frontline but I still see them sometimes. Treating the lawn really helps I think. We have no carpeting only wood floors and a few area rugs so that I think helps in the house. I vacuum all the time though. Didn't know about the Borax but with the little one I am not sure about doing that as she will think it is sugar or something.

  6. My cats had fleas for the first time this year and I did all that you did. Now don't freak (Because I did, I'm OCD) I still saw a couplefleas, but hold tight, they have a cycle and you just have to wait it out (Hard I know) they no longer have a host so they will die. You can clean more and more, but you have to wait out the cycle and switch off every other month with different flea meds. It'll be OK


  7. I hope your problem is solved. We only fleas once in 15 years of dog ownership. BTW you won my giveaway.

  8. Isn't Borax just wonderful?! It has so many great uses! I'm with you, I would have freaked out!

  9. Poor Bonnie! Poor Ricki! I've never owned a dog but I would have gone crazy too.

  10. I hate fleas and ticks. Yes they are bad here too this year. I've had a worse problem with ticks. Now that is something I can't deal with. I can't touch a bug. I squeal and dance around something awful. I actually took a tick off of Buddy with some tweezers and flushed it. Otherwise I took him to the groomers just to remove a tick. I can't did I say that yet. I use Comfortis for Buddy. The Frontline quit working. Unfortunately Comfortis is only good for fleas.

  11. Cute post! Boxax is so good for so many things!

  12. I don't know who i feel more sorry for,you or Bonnie.:0(
    Thank goodness Jax and Bailey have never had fleas.

  13. Yikes!! Hope they are all gone. Fleas freak me out too! Poor little Bonnie!

  14. Wow. I feel like an underachiever- we just got our pups dipped (and later in life, used Frontline), and combed them every few months with a flea comb.

    I can tell you that if you have any hay bales or things like that on the property, that's a flea paradise when they're not riding on animals. Hopefully, though, you are now totally flea-free.

  15. No! No!
    I'm on my way to protect you!!

  16. Oh, this is a problem that drove me crazy one time...even a bit over the edge! I can totally relate.

  17. Good luck with the fleas. I've never had them around here before, but last year we rented a home that had scorpions...not fun!


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