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My Happy List #18

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yay!  It's Saturday, and it's time for My Happy List @ Dandelion Wishes.


I have much to be happy about this week.  :D

My Happy List

1.   I had so much fun at my art class this week.  My art class makes me happy!  Dori Decamillis is my teacher, and her art is phenomenal.  Find out more about her art at Red Dot Gallery's website.


Dori painted this paining on an aluminum panel.

2.   I bought a stupidly expensive paintbrush (Kolinsky) for under $15.00 *squee*.  I saved about 50% and I did not have to pay for shipping!  Bargain-priced art supplies make me very happy, especially new paintbrushes!

3.   Melissa @ Kensington Cottage is such a sweet, sweet bloggy friend.  I helped her with some html coding, and she sent me the sweetest card and flower pin.  Thoughtful friends make me happy! Visit Melissa at her blog here.   


4.   I found a wonderful interior design book for under $15 (originally it sold for $34.95) at Anthropologie.  It is entitled Vintage French Interiors, and it is a fantastic source for inspiration. Book bargains make me extremely happy!


5.   My girls are growing into responsible young ladies.  I could not be prouder of them. Responsible children make me very, very happy!   

6.   I am finally getting my blog back to normal after all the Blogger issues.  I never recovered one of my old buttons, but I did make a new one all by myself.  Learning new blogging skills makes me happy!  Please feel free to grab my new button!  *pretty please*

What is making you happy this week?  Please join Mamarazzi, and share your *happy* :D

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Cara Ricki,hai molto entusiasmo quando parli della tua lista felice.Ti meriti felicità!Buona domenica,Rosetta

  2. Just reading your "happy thoughts" makes me happy! Happy weekend, sweet friend!
    xo, CAS

  3. Your happy list always makes me happy! And, it makes me wonder why I'm not doing one...

    Have a great weekend!

  4. What a happy list! Responsible children make me happy, too! Wish I had an Anthropologie near me!

  5. This happy List is the best. Today I will be happy to get out and adventure, maybe to Anthropology!

    Art by Karena

  6. I took your button! It looks great! Thanks for the happy mention! I hope my daughter can grow up responsible too!

  7. Yay, all good things! You should totally be an interior designer. You have a great eye for unusual things, and sweet finds. And congrats on getting a deal with the brush! :D

  8. Grabbed your button girlie!! I know you are such a good mom and your daughters will turn out wonderfully under your raising.

  9. Okay I have tried twice and the button is not showing up. It just looks blank. I am super sleepy though so I will try again tomorrow because knowing me I am doing something wrong right now.

  10. Reading your blog makes me happy! Loved every entry on your list!

  11. Your "happy list" and your blog makes me happy also! Love you're new button. Got to learn how to do that! Thanks


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
