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My Happy List #10

Saturday, April 30, 2011


It's time once again for my favorite upbeat linky party of the week, Mamarazzi's My Happy List @ Dandelion Wishes.  Please join the party here.  To tell you the truth, I need this party more than ever this week!

Friends, please note that our internet is very sketchy right now.  We have service for maybe half an hour or an hour, and then it goes away again for several hours. Please be patient, and I will eventually get around to emailing all of you who have been so kind to leave comments.  You all have touched me so much with your care and concern for Alabama and other Southern states.  Bloggy friends are the very best!  


My Happy List has a theme today:  Water for Elephants

1.   Fantastic Book:  Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen is one of my all-time favorite books.  If you have not read it yet, you are missing out!  Good books make me happy!!! You can read my Literary Friday post about Water for Elephants here.


2.   Delightful Tea Party:  How about a Water for Elephants themed tea party? How much fun is this! This is my birthday weekend, so everything is all about *me*  :D  We are enjoying a full afternoon tea with tiny finger sandwiches and even smaller chocolate biscuits instead of dinner.  Water for Elephants is set during the depression, and a popular dessert of that era was chocolate biscuits (not cookies, but Southern biscuits), especially in the South. Tea parties make me happy! 



We must save room for popcorn because....

3.   Tear-jerker Movie:  We have passes to see Water for Elephants tonight starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon.  Going to the movies makes me happy!  I do not picture Reese as Marlena, but she is so talented that I bet her performance is Oscar-worthy.


I am so excited!  I have many other blessings that have made me happy this week, real blessings, but I thought it would be fun to stick with a theme today.

Linking to Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Through Life.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I was so happy to see your post this morning when coming by to check on my fellow Alabama blog friend! I'm so grateful for God's protection for us. Our electricity and water were restored yesterday afternoon but our electicity still blinks off some. Like you, I plan to make a post today letting everyone know we are okay. It's so good to hear from you!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  2. Just darling Ricki! I love your table setting, and I hear that movie is awesome!

  3. Love your sweet table setting Ricki Jill~ I haven't read the book or seen the movie (I know, bad!) but sounds interesting! Have fun and glad to hear you are safe and sound! :)

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    I love tea parties! The elephant tea set is adorable.

    I generally don't read the books when they have been made into movies. The rarely follow the book completely and I get irritated when they don't.

    I'm looking forward to the movie....

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ricki Jill!!! Hope it was WONDERFUL! :)

  6. Happy Birthday Ricki!!!

    Thank you for telling me about this book..i had no idea! I saw the previews for the movie but was unsure if it would be good. I am always disappointed when a good book is made into a movie that never seems to deliver.

    I love love your table appropiate with the elephants!! You are so fun!!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family
    Pamela xo

  7. Happy birthday! I can't wait to read the book, and I ADORED the themed bday tea party. What a wonderful concept! :D

  8. LOVE the elephant tea pots! Too cute!
    Happy Birthday and enjoy your movie and party!

  9. I'm sorry, did I miss your birthday? I'm so glad you and your family are okay. I've been so concerned for all my Southern friends. I'm just heart-sick for all the tragedy. I think you are wonderful to be able to do such an uplifting post & bring some normalcy to a very non-normal time. I haven't read this book, but after your review, I definitely want to now. I know I want to read the book before I see the movie. That usually works best for me. Again, so glad you are okay. And Happy Belated Birthday!

  10. READ YOUR BLOG..."MAKE ME HAPPY"...I think I will try to find the book ... the movie just came out in Italy ... but lately I only see movies for kids (Gianmarco. ..)

  11. Such a pretty, yet fun, tablescape. I love the pink elephant teaset! It's adorable, whimsical & unique--all in one. Well you've inspired me, once again, to read a book. I think I better start making a list of all these books you recommend.

  12. Oh, oh, oh, how could I forget? Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday,make a beautiful weekend for you and your family, i'am glad to see your post! so i know you are alright.


  14. Hello my friend! I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe. I love the tea cup shaped as an elephant. Cuteness! I would love to hear your own review for the movie. It's not yet shown in my country.

    Be safe and have faith!

  15. Happy Birthday! That sounds like a blissful day to me. I adore the elephant tea set, so cute!

  16. Too, too cute. Love the elephant tea set.

    I loved that book, actually bought copies to give away because it was so good. Cannot wait to see the movie.

    Happy Birthday!

  17. I heard it was a great movie, funny name thought. OK, so who has elephant tableware??? Too cute, hoping, thinks get better in your neck of the country, it seems listening to the new it goes from bad to worse!


  18. Bonne Fête!! I have that book on my 'to read' list. I really have to read the book before seeing the movie. Great post!

  19. So creative! Beautiful. I've got to get that book next!

  20. Your table scape is soooooooooo cute. So perfect to go with the book. Love it. Thanks so much for joining TTT. So happy you are all ok. Hugs, Marty

  21. I just love this lovely, cute and fun tablescape! That pnk elephant kills me, I love it! Just right for the book, you did a superb job. Love those plates! Glad you're ok, though. I'm also at TTT.

  22. What a great tablescape! I think of you and your neighbors so often. What a tough time the people in your state have endured. Enjoy your movie ~ you deserve some happy times!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  23. Nice theme for a tablescape. I have yet to see the movie.. hope to very soon. I am glad you are ok from all the storms. My prayers are for all those who have had loss. Take care and thank you for sharing! Hugs!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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