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An Update on Aphrodite

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Shelley won a gold medal today at the Greek Festival for writing the best original myth entitled "Why Hephaestus Invented Braces."  According to Shelley's myth, Hephaestus invented braces to straighten the teeth of one of Aphrodite's admirers. He was jealous of Aphrodite's many worshippers, and he was trying to "steal away" some of hers by making them even more beautiful by making braces for their teeth.

I am so proud of Shelley.  Her painting of Aphrodite was also a winner, too. She worked almost eight hours total on the project.

We are celebrating her success tonight with Chinese food, so I won't be able to post my Vintage Easter Post until tomorrow.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That's awesome! A big congratulations to Shelley!! Why am I not surprised that her painting won too...sounds like she inherited her mom's talent!

  2. Yay! Shelley!! Enjoy your eve of celebrating.

    TTFN ~
    Happy Easter my friend,

  3. Congratulations to her! She looks so cute and must be very talented!


  4. kudos to Shelley....all her hard work paid off and I love her costume! Happy Easter Ricki Jill. :)

  5. How wonderful! And look at that beautiful smile! I'm so happy for her! Enjoy your family and this special weekend, sweet friend! ♥

  6. Congrats to Shelley - no wonder she is beaming in the photo. But what's up with the Chinese food - I would have thought Aphrodite and posse would have liked shish kebobs more.

  7. Congratulations to Shelly for her success. Her idea for her myth is very clever and I can only imagine her painting was charming too. I love how her turquoise nail polish matches her toga! Too cute! I hope you had a fun night!

  8. Congratulations to Shelley! She is a lovely goddess! ;)

  9. Bravo!!! Félicitations! She certainly looks like the proud writer and one who deserves...chinese?

  10. Yay for Shelley...she is such a beautiful girl and so talented, it seems. Congrats to her.
    xoxo bj
    O, and no, we haven't received a drop of rain. I do thank you for prayers.

  11. Congratulations Shelley!!! Awesome girl!!

  12. She is so talented!! That story is amazing!! I could actually picture it being real!! Awesome!!

    BTW. ATC is Artist Trading Card. They are approximately 2x3, and if you make them, you can only trade them, not sell them.!!


  13. That is so exciting. It is a good lesson that hard work pays off! I'm sure your celebration was really fun:)

  14. You are blessed with beautiful, smart daughters. Very imaginative myth. Shouldn't it have been Greek food night?
    Carole (Stapes)

  15. Yeah for Shelley! Sounds like you have very smart daughters, well raised by their mom I am sure. Dad too of course. She looks very proud of her medal. Congrats to her!

  16. Ha! I love it. :D
    As a follower of Greek mythology, I must applaud her for one that involves Hephaestus (maligned as he often is). I always wondered why braces were invented! ;)


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