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Shades of Blue

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Courtney over at French Country Cottage posted about some wonderful home decorating books. The French Inspired Home by Carolyn Westbrook was one of her selections, and I thought it looked like a great source for inspiration.  Here is a link to Courtney's post.

One of the chapters I particularly enjoyed was the one entitled French Bleu. I thought it would be a great idea to shop inside the house for some of my favorite blue things and place them on the end table in our living room.  So how many shades of blue can I cram into a small corner?  Let's see!


The French Blue plate rack is by Maine Cottage.  I had it custom built for our set of Wedgwood Rosedale china several years ago.



Our picture frames are from Germany.  The ginger jar lamp was given to us as a wedding gift.


I love this candle from Anthropologie.  It smells sinful!  The little covered dish was a gift, and I have no idea what it is for, but I keep matchbooks in it for lighting our candles.


I love delphiniums and hydrangeas.


I have one other painted chest of drawers that is blue, but other than that, we don't have a lot of blue in our house.


If you have not posted a comment to enter my giveaway, please do so here. I will choose a winner on March 11th.

Linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Refresh Your Room Party and  Feathered Nest Friday.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I think if I had my house to do over again, I would do blue & is so cool together. I have been following blue & white forever with Victoria magazine. They show the very best of blue & white. Makes me want to start over...but that is not going to happen..hahaha..I love your
    custom plate is wonderful to be able to have something made to your very own liking! Your china looks wonderful too! What a happy post
    p.s. love the photo of Shelly, that bow is the best:)

  2. I love anything Maine Cottage! You are so lucky
    to own such a beautiful specially made piece!
    Blue and white is so fresh and timeless!
    Thank you for visiting Flora Doora and commenting.

    Flora Doora

  3. Love your Blue! Thanks so much for entering our GIVEAWAY!

  4. What a great plate rack, and to have your whole china set stored there must be wonderful. It is no secret I love pink, but I love blue also, I think it looks rich and your china pattern is wonderful!!


  5. I love it Ricki. As you know I am making our bedroom blue, but also have decided to have a blue theme through out our house now when I start decorating the rest of the house. That plate rack is so cute and the perfect blue. Great job.

  6. Very pretty girl..I love that plate holder..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Hi Ricki~ Love your blues!!! Your china is gorgeous as is the shelf and loving your pretty flowers!! Thank you for the mention of my blog too- I just love Carolyns book- soo much wonderful inspiration! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday~ hugs, Courtney

  8. This post is beautiful and I love your blues. If I could start over I would certainly do blue and white. It's become in new love.

  9. Oh my what a brilliant blue color it is. You have lovely set of china there, the blue rack sure exudes its beauty. Love blue.

  10. I love your little covered dish! It is so unique looking, and cute too! I bet it was supposed to be some kind of butter dish, but hey a matchbook keeper is good! Looks great, oh and your flowers, I 'm jealous!

  11. Very pretty, I love that you have your dishes on display.

  12. Just LOVE that beautiful blue china rack...pretty flowers too!


  13. pretty! who doesn't love a pop of blue!

  14. The accents of blue are so light and lovely!

  15. Gorgeous!!!! I love the french blue!!
    I have that book...French inspired home and read it all the time!!
    I am a new follower!!

    Come over for a visit!!

    Pamela :)

  16. So pretty and fresh! I love you plate rack and those plates are gorgeous! Thank you for linking and sharing!


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