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Happy Twelfth Night!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My girls come home from school ravenously hungry.  One of them has lunch at 10:30, and she does not get home until 4:00!  I thought it would be nice to throw them a little after school King Cake Party.  My husband is from New Orleans, and he said that when he was in school, every January 6th, or Twelfth Night, they would have a King Cake party in his class. Whoever gets the baby ( usually a tiny plastic one hidden inside the King Cake) is responsible for the next King Cake party during carnival.

I absolutely love King Cakes, and this one is filled with cream cheese.  We usually do not eat dinner until 7:00, so hopefully it won't spoil my girls' dinner too much.



Look at this very big baby!  It is too big for the cake!  It is like Spawn of Chuckie or something. There is absolutely no chance of choking on this baby, I tell ya, because it is too big to hide in the cake!  I guess this is indicative of the litigious society we live in, unfortunately.  Apparently fun is dangerous!


I set the table in shades of purple, gold, and green, the official colors of Mardi Gras, which begins today! Purple represents justice, gold represents power, and green represents faith. Of course the baby represents the Baby Jesus, and Twelfth Night is recognized as the night the Three Wise Men visited Jesus bearing gifts.  The King Cake is round, which represents eternity. Mardi Gras is a time for feasting and revelry leading up to Fat Tuesday before the solemn time of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday.




I think this little vase is perfect for Mardi Gras, although the colors are a bit muted.


I painted the place mats on canvas, but I added at least two more coats of gesso first.  I also like the Brighton Pavilion pattern on the majolica because of the green and gold.  I use it a lot this time of year!


My purple and off white striped slipcovers are from the neatest website called Spring Gard'n Designs. Check out their website here.  They have a great selection of fabrics for cottage decor. The slipcovers wash very well, and I would love to order a second set in the pink ticking fabric. Too cute!


Do you like King Cakes?  What is your favorite flavor?  I like the ones that are cinnamon flavored like coffee cake or strawberry filled.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Questa volta il post te lo scrivo nella mia lingua...che mi viene anche meglio!!!Mi piace farti visita tutti i giorni e amo entrare nella atmosfera di casa tua...anche questa volta il tuo post non mi ha deluso:sempre Brava!!!Un saluto anche alle tue figlie che sono proprio fortunate ad avere una mamma così...Kisses,Annalisa

  2. I love king cakes! It looks delicious - I know your family will love it. I've only had the cakes on Twelfth Night in Mexico (Dia de los Reyes). Otherwise, always at Mardi Gras!

  3. That is a colourful cake. I wasn't expecting it to look like that at all - I thought it would be a ring cake with fruit in it and a glaze on top. Not sure where I saw that, but anyway yours is spectacular and well worth ruining your appetite over. Do you hide baby Jesus or does it come already hidden?

  4. Grace, they no longer hide them in the cake at the bakery because of liability (choking hazard). Now we have to hide them ourselves, and ours is way to big!!! YIKES! We are going to draw a name out of a cup to see who "got the baby."

  5. Your girls must have loved it! What a wonderful surprise and treat for them.


  6. Hi Ricki Jill - I have not heard of "King Cakes" before, but sounds fun. Any excuse to decorate a cake is great for me. Love the colors of your king cake and your mardi gras inspired table setting.

  7. Hi Ricki, I had a slice of King cake while visiting New Orleans. It was the cinnamon kind and was really good. I didn't find the baby though! Your painted placemats are wonderful!

  8. I had never even heard of a King Cake til last year, and have never had one. But they sure seem delightful. I do love cake. I think about cake a lot too!
    What a wonderful table for your girls!

  9. King Cake...never heard of it! I just love your chair cushions and all the wonderful sunlight that comes in through your windows...that's wonderful!

  10. Such creative Mardi Gras decor. You certainly carry out the theme, but without the garishness of the more brillant shades. I'm off to check out that web site!

    - The Tablescaper


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